These are the sum of my weighted internal marks which would be submitted to BOS:
English Advanced - 73% (im guessing 20ish/50 but this could change quite a bit either way - i really dont know)
Chemistry - 78% (i think around 5/30ish)
Physics - 81% (just got in top 10 i think)
Economics - 83%...
Ok, so bassically i would like to do combined commerce/comp sci or maybe computer or software engineering instead of comp sci. Im thinking that the 96 atar may be out of my reach and hsc plus wont really help with that. Would it be difficult to transfer from Comp Science/Engineering (91) to...
Im looking into what i want to do at university now and there are so many options - and none really stand out. My main interests are computers and programming, in software design i am rank 1 and get high marks but to be honest i cant see myself getting a job as a programmer. I am also a bit...
I could post a ton of info explaining everything but nobody really cares so i wont. Bassically majority of the grade chose the wrong level of maths. 2 friends and I have decided to drop from 3 unit to 2 unit due to poor marks in both 3 unit and 2 unit. Majority of people in the 2 unit class at...
I have decided im probably going to have to drop extension maths next term if i want to ensure i do well in all my subjects in the hsc. I might need or want to know 3u (maybe even 4u) concepts if i decide on doing something with computers in university so im wondering if anybody knows anything...
I have half yearlies next week :uhoh: In all subjects (except 3u maths) we have bassically only done just 1 topic so its more like topic tests, how should i study exactly? Im thinking of just writing syllabus dot points, remembering set texts and supplimentary texts for english and doing past...
I noticed theres a few competitions around based on year 11/12 subjects, just wondering if there is a list anywhere? I have seen two coding competitions and a economics essay, there is others right?
Hey i saw this addon and i think it would be very helpful to everyone so i decided to post it. It is free and developed by Microsoft, the only requirement is that you have a genuine version of Microsoft Word 2007. It is not the full version of Microsoft Maths (looks very interesting, but costs...
I know this should probably be posted in the anime section, but i believe it deserves a thread of its own. I dont think this has been posted yet. It is an amazing (over) analyzation and theory of what happened in the Pokemon anime. It's just a theory and most likely the writers of the series...
What did you guys write there? The way it worded "impacts on the environment" made me think it was looking more for negatives, so i just wrote a small bit on positives (reduced green house effect) and then said that the negatives were that the lower amount of carbon emitted negatively impacts...
Does anybody have any links to good English notes? Im looking for something with language/visual techniques and the different text types (how to write them).
Additionally, does anybody know if we are required to mention anything a scientist has discovered/done in detail? Not obvious things like...