Search results

  1. Sarah182

    Maths Question: Newtons Method of Approximation

    I know how to use this method and all that, not a problem but Im curious how the best way to approach this question is: Estimate the roots of equation x^4- 6x^2 +8x +1=0 by choosing appropriate approximations for the roots and using 1 application of Newtons Method What is the best way to...
  2. Sarah182

    Study guides for next year.

    Hey guys, how has everyone been? :) Now that Year 11 is coming to an end has everyone started buying study guides, textbooks ect. for next term? I need some advice when purchasing study guides and all that jazz. First off how does everyone buy their study guides? Off Bored of Studies, ebay or...
  3. Sarah182

    How many units?

    Hey everyone :) I havent been getting on lately so I apologise in advanced if anyone has asked this. I have almost convinced myself that I am going to drop Bio and Extension maths and pick up 4 unit English. However this leaves me with 10 units, is this too risky? I think if I keep Biology I...
  4. Sarah182

    What are alligned marks??

    Hey guys, just curious what exactly are alligned marks and what are they based on ect. Recently myself and some of my friends were messing around with SAM and we put in our raw marks from our half-yearly reports. It turned out that I was getting a lower UAI estimate than people who do TAFE...
  5. Sarah182

    Subject Scaling

    I was wondering how subjects scale in comparison to each other and then how they translate into a UAI. I know it’s a broad question but I really don’t understand how scaling works or which are the best scaling subjects. Any input would be appreciated :)
  6. Sarah182

    How will small classes affect my results?

    Ok I am in a very very small year group. There are only 20 people in our whole year. I recently received my half yearly report and I am coming first in most of my subjects (Chem, Mathematics, English Adv, English Ext). However my question is how will a small year group affect my HSC results and...
  7. Sarah182

    Difference between QLD/NSW Schools

    Re: How long were your half yearlys? Do you have external exams in Queensland? I heard that you didnt but I wasnt sure
  8. Sarah182

    Trig Problem

    I'm not really sure how to do this. It might be something so simple and I have missed it but I'm not sure. David walks along a straight road. At one point he notices a tower on a bearing of 053* with an angle of elavation of 21*. After walking 230 metres the tower is on a bearing of 342*...
  9. Sarah182

    I need some Maths advice!!

    I recieved my half yearly results today and I got 40% in extension test and 61% in my advanced. Alot of kids had trouble (one guy got 6%). My teacher told me afterwards, when I was contemplating suicide, that I need to work on study techniques and preperation for tests because I run out of time...
  10. Sarah182

    Does this sound right??

    We have recently had maths tests and half yearly maths exams and they have been HARD. We use a Maths In Focus and its pathetic compared to the questions in our exams, but back to the point. Our maths teacher told us today that hes trying to push us all really fast through maths this year and...
  11. Sarah182

    Year 11 stress...

    It seems that this year I'm not doing as well as I once did. I'll even go out and say this is my worst year of school so far. Is it just because of year 11 or is it me? I feel like I'm working much harder than I used to yet my results are a steady B across all my subjects with the exception of...