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  1. 4025808

    Anyone have a copy of the paper?

    Woops, meant to post this here, but posted in standard instead Anyway, scan and upload here :)
  2. 4025808

    Who took korean 1A? and who here is taking korean 1A next year 1st sem?

    I'm probably gonna take it, probs gonna have to overload it too, otherwise I can't complete my program under 5 years. :/ Anyone else here?
  3. 4025808

    Anyone have a copy of the paper?

    If so, can any of you scan it over and upload it somewhere? (unless if copyright rules exist for HSC papers too =_=)
  4. 4025808

    2013 Class timetable will be out tomorrow

    Also, 2012-2013 summer school timetable will be out too. Who here is hoping for a good timetable? And who here is planning to go to summer school?
  5. 4025808

    Official Pokemon Black and White Versions 2 thread

    So, who here will be getting BW2? (buying or leeching the rom, which is going to be quite fucked up though) One more month to go :)
  6. 4025808

    Myer Christmas Casual

    Who here got an email regarding interviews? I got one to Sydney City Myer at Wesley Mission Center. Anyone got tips on what to wear? And how to succeed in the group interview?
  7. 4025808

    So for those thinking of doing B Actuarial Studies next year...

    B Actuarial Studies @ UNSW - What you need to know. Before I start off, some of you people browsing this thread may be wondering, what IS actuarial science. Well, here is a definition. From Wikipedia: Here is the new course outline for Actuarial Studies, for those commencing from 2013...
  8. 4025808

    Interesting question - complex nos - region sketching

    One of these questions appeared in a sample topic tests. A lot of students are having difficulty with this one. here it is. If anyone could get it it would be nice. :)
  9. 4025808

    2012 Semester 2 UNSW Chatter Thread

    Since no-one has made a UNSW semester 2 chatter thread, I will make it and continue it from semester 1. So, holidays will be over soon. O-week coming up on Wednesday the 11th, whilst Week 1 will be starting on the 16th. Welcome to those new people who will be starting uni in semester 2, and...
  10. 4025808

    Korean restaurants around Sydney

    Post up any good places for Korean restaurants around Sydney. I'll start off: Jonga Jip -> Eastwood (heaps of side dishes, friendly service and cheap prices, cheaper than most Korean restaurants (Y)). I eat there every week or so. Seoulria -> arguably one of the better ones around Sydney. Add...
  11. 4025808

    Post 2012 Semester 1 exam timetables here.

    <tbody> Day Date Start Time End Time Course Paper# Location Materials Wednesday 13/06/2012 13:45 16:00 ECON1101:Microeconomics 1 1 Calculator - Other Friday 15/06/2012 13:45 16:00 ACCT1501:Accounting & Financial Mgt 1A 1 Calculator - UNSW Approved Friday 22/06/2012 08:45 11:00...
  12. 4025808

    4025808's Maths Tutoring around Eastwood/Epping area and UNSW :)

    Experienced Maths tutor around Eastwood/Epping area :) Hey there, it's Yongzhen/Kelvin. I am currently offering tutoring for particular maths courses. I'll briefly introduce myself: In 2011 I graduated from Sydney Secondary College - Blackwattle Bay Campus. I have achieved E4s for both...
  13. 4025808

    Who here has done the other MGMT courses apart from MGMT1001?

    Anyone here? I'm planning to do MGMT1002 as part of the human resources major, or MGMT1101 as part of international business. Anyone knows what it's like? :O
  14. 4025808

    Super Junior World Tour - Super Show 4 - May 5 2012

    UPDATE: NOTICE: So, now the SS4 Concert is cancelled for another reason as opposed to low ticket sales: "Just rang JK Entertainment. Apparently it's not because of low ticket sales but the event manager is in a serious medical condition and they're...
  15. 4025808

    Mid-Semester break plans

    So what are they? or what will they be? As for me, I realized that I have so much work to do and to prepare for: - Accounting Mid-Sems - Chinese Mid-Sems - Chinese presentation - Algebra test homework in general. To me, it's gonna be more like a Mid-Semester study break.
  16. 4025808

    it's week 5 already...

    how do you all find uni now? :)
  17. 4025808

    2012 Chinese Rollcall

    For those doing Chinese Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced and Professional, please post here. :P
  18. 4025808

    2012 MATH1151 rollcall

    Who's doing MATH1151 here for this semester?
  19. 4025808

    B Commerce/B Arts length of duration issue.

    on the UAC page, I enter the course code 424000 (B Commerce). It states that the B com/B arts degree can be done in 4 years. I thought that meant that we could also do it in 5 years. Sadly on their site, it states that they don't offer the 5 year degree for 2012 students onwards. The degree can...
  20. 4025808

    Barista courses?

    Where can you do a barista course that will get you a qualification that allows you to make coffee at a coffee shop? Also, how much will doing such a program cost?