I remember seeing on the news that scientists have designed this new method to obtain all the materials required to produce ethanol from any type of biological waste. Does this mean that the ethanol industry's viability will become more realistic in the future?
I want to practice some realistic short answer questions on belonging.
Oh yeah and I've already copy pasted the Creative writing and Belonging essay question from some other thread.
Here they are:
The CSSA Belonging essay question was:
People experience a sense of belonging in varied and...
Let's not forget Biology.
EDIT: (2/3/10) All modules and 2009 questions are up now. Oh yeah and I've also included a set of miscellaneous questions which I felt didn't fit into one module, either because they assessed outcomes from more than one module or because they were only skill based.
Well I've done the first module and the second one should be done soon. I might have made a few errors; if so then please notify me.
EDIT: I have stickied this thread [27/01/2010] - Pwnage101
EDIT: (2/3/10) All modules and 2009 questions are up now. Oh yeah and I've also included a set of...
Well I've done the first module and the second one should be done soon. I might have made a few errors; if so then please notify me.
EDIT: I have stickied this thread [27/01/2010] - Pwnage101
EDIT: (2/3/10) All modules and 2009 questions are up now. Oh yeah and I've also included a set of...
I've got some friend who's apparently scared of posting on this site because he doesn't want to get cyberbullied. I told him that it doesn't matter what other people say but he's still terrified. He has heaps of questions to ask but he always tells me to post them because he's scared of some...
Assume hypothetically that you have been offered to do combined medicine at USYD with that $10,000 per year scholarship. But you have also been offered to do MBBS at UNSW with scientia. Which is better in your opinion and which would you select?
Well I've check all the past HSC papers and the 3 unit exam lacks things like quartic polynomials and trig graphs. Does this mean they won't be tested?