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  1. T

    where does financial maths come from?

    Hii soo I was looking at a past paper from 2021 for Ext 1 and I came across financial questions like this I went over to check the advanced and ext 1 textbooks and it isnt listed as a topic or isnt even a subtopic for any in year 11?? Edit: Its a topic in year 12 soo is that just a selective...
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    Hii I just wanna ask should I be spamming past papers for math adv and e1 rn or should I save it up until a few weeks before prelims thank youu 😇
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    electrical engineering and computer science

    Im planning on doing this in Uni. I want to know more about this like what does this specifically entail and is it a good pathway to go for etc Thanks
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    hii some questions on what was removed for maths

    do we not need to know this anymore? and this? it would be appreciative if someone could give me a rundown on what was removed from the thing( I forgot whats it called 😭) and when you spam past papers do u skip the questions removed from the thingy ( I know it sounds self explanatory but just...
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    helppp maths

    Idont know how to solve it using the graphs
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    private tutoring for english

    hii where can I find private tutoring for English. Im going matrix right now and its not helping me. idk where or how to find any private tutors. If anyone does private tutoring for English, can you please recommend me some?? not only private but also any underrated tutoring places as well. Thanks
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    How do u do this Note: Imagine you are doing this question with no idea what perms and combs are and that the only thing u learnt prior to doing these questions was the pascals triangle and binomial theorem thankssss
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    physics problem

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    trig probl;eme

    my answers wrong help how does the diagram look like
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    diagram for this trig problem

    what the hell is the diagram for this I cant figure it outtt
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    how do you do these types help

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    what type do they mean?

    When a stereotypical asian/indian guy/girl says they want to be an engineer what do they mean specifically? Like what type
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    Why isnt permutations used in part b I dont get their explanation coz both part a and b have basically identical wording so how would you figure out that b doesnt use permutations ?????? (I just started this topic today bruh 😭)
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    help -> combinations and permut

    I JUST DONT GET THIS TOPIC 😭 hardest ext 1 topic for me
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    syllabus dotpoints for year 11 and 12

    Where tf is it I cant find it I searched through the whole of the nesa thingmajick and still couldnt find it Please be a g and send me a link to it
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    help I forgot how to do this basic types if 2theta, 3 theta etc is just adding another revolution what about half thetas?
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    how do you graph these kind of absolute values only revolving around x

    How do you sketch this? What do you for and how does it change from the original