Whenever i remember chilli my mouth waters, i love that burning taste, once i ate one of those red chillis in one go thinking it wouldnt be too hot and guess what :burn:.
Well, on monday the 5th im going overseas ALONE for 2.5 months and maybe if i can get up in the mornings since its gonna be freezing there im gonna start training, something i promised i would start doing after i finished the hsc :mad1:.
And when i come back it will probobly be uni...
So guys/girls now that you have finished or nearly there:) , whats the next step for you?
Any plans for travel, immediate work or just take a year off and be lazy?
P.S. Not sure where this thread goes:confused:
I would'nt envy anyone who hasent finished their exams yet, the rain is really coming down here so much in fact that i slept till 11 :rofl: .
Looks like things are going to be diffrent from now on:) .
I have finished, but it all seems so sad.
The fact that this years exams were the easiest ever made except for SDD and i didnt study has ruined the climax of the finish.
Assessment marks
Ancient history =78/100 Rank=1/9
English standard =71/100 Rank=2/9
Software design and development =72/100 Rank=2/7
Information porcesses and technology =71/100 Rank=4/6
Industrial technology =90/100 Rank 1/3
predicted HSC marks
English standard = 75-80%
Lol this morning the lady wrote start time 1:55 and as finish 5:55, we all just started cracking up during the exam, it was a good way to relax:rofl: .
Re: Post ur Multiple Choice Answers Here
Dont they let you take out the exam paper after your done?
I just wrote it on my paper and took it after the exam.
Hey, im thinking of doing the police course to but i want to get into the air wing or some computer section.
My marks are:
Ancient history =78/100 Rank=1/9
English standard =71/100 Rank=2/9
Software design and development =72/100 Rank=2/7
Information porcesses and technology =71/100 Rank=4/6...
FInish on the 1st going overseas on the 5th :rofl: ...
So long suckers *Tries to run away on treadmill*
I will probobly be seeing you guys in uni or TAFE, hopefully! it will be uni but doubt it :mad1: .
Re: Finished!
I still got 3 exams to go and ancient history and Software design are on the same day (3 + 3 = 6 hours of exam) im so screwed.
Finish on the 1st and on the 5th (no sleep for me) im going overseas until next year :rofl: , however when i return i will be an enemployed and broke...
I nearly had one with my mum but luckily i ended it quick and knocked her out
:eek:(Jokes) ,i told her its what i wanted to do so she let me put it in even if it is preference 6. :mad1:
It was bad compared to paper one i didnt really know my content for this paper so i just wrote whatever came to mind, didnt even relate to question.:confused: