apparently it was done like right in front of a surveliance camera. Also a bus driver believes the whole fight was recorded on the bus' camera. According to 7 news though:mad1:
fkkkk :( um dw hopefully you got the $950 stimulus thing. use that or else use your parent's stimulus bonus. And if they've spent it all, then im sorry for your loss :(
well i guess you'll just have to buy a new battery. A laptop running on battery for 3 mins isn't really doing its purpose then anyway! how much would a replacement battery cost around for your laptop??
drop maths and keep hisotry. But its upto you whether you want to risk doing 10 units. If you think you are going to do well in SOR2 then you would also be able to do heaps good in SOR1 and plus you have 1 unit less. You have more time to use on your 10 units then doing 11 units thinking that 10...
i know people in my school who bludged through all 7-10 and enjoyed life. They started to pick up their game in yr 11 and now in yr 12 they are really acing it
nah u cant mix up variables. keep dx's and x's away from du's and u's. hsc markers will penalise ou for doing that, not sure whether your teacher is that strict
yeh they can be in different formats but i think they still can only ask things directly from the syllabus. Even trials can differ because most schools dont finish the course by then.