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  1. X

    Overloading for a subject outside one's program

    but the language subject would be outside of my major, because my single major would be finance. Don't worry, ill call student services and ask them, then post what they say. I'm pretty sure any subject you take, regardless of it being within degree requirements, count towards one's wam.
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    Overloading for a subject outside one's program

    hmm.. but it would still count to wam? also, what if the subject I chose to do was a language? a language can be studied as a minor or major under the commerce degree, so would it still be full fee?
  3. X

    Overloading for a subject outside one's program

    Hey guys I was wondering what happens if you take subjects outside of your degree. So I do a combined law degree at UNSW so we're not required to take any gen eds, but say I enrolled into one because the subject was something that interested me (and assuming I overloaded this), would any...
  4. X

    anyone korean? anyone think i can get into soul uni with good grades???

    hahaha everyone here is posting shit i had two friends who got into yonsei and korea with atars in the 70s. but if you wanted to apply to enrol for next year, im pretty sure it's too late. they usually hold the interviews late november/ early december and atar ISNT considered at all because...
  5. X

    Bachelor of Commerce at UNSW or Usyd?

    So, how about an ilustration: If there was a student from UTS with a HD average, and a student from UNSW with a C average, I think employers would favour the UTS student over the UNSW student, all else being the same (extra-curriculas, work experience, manner etc). However, if two students...
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    What's so great about USYD law?

    regardless..usyd law shits all over uncle in every single way possible..
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    What's so great about USYD law?

    no...i dont think uncle ever will... and aereth....i think we have about 220-230 this year.. ps: if u dont think its that great..dont come.. edit: i dont think u can come anyway..even with high d average.. if you check the transfers page of this needed 97.5 NRSL.. since...
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    What's so great about USYD law?

    source please?
  9. X

    UNSW entry

    i dont get it... australian school of business tends to hover in the 20-30 mark in world outside top 100... PS: id still choose sydney over unsw for every degree...cos kensington is so shit
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    Why is there no recess/lunch? + What happens if i get detention if i wrote my atar was would believe me would you? it was simply a satirical indictment againsteveryone else that wanted 99+ and in hindsight...failed to achieve it
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    Why is there no recess/lunch? + What happens if i get detention cant talk to me like that~ im a sydney law student..okay? although thnk you for all your help before :)
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    Why is there no recess/lunch? + What happens if i get detention

    okay mr i go to uncle law to everyone else...i admit my failure as a troll..............
  13. X

    Why is there no recess/lunch? + What happens if i get detention

    So hey guys I was just looking at my timetable.... and I don't have a recess or lunch... umm so what do I do? Isnt normally recess from like 11:30-12...lnch from like 1-2? but on my timetable it has classes listed there instead.. I asked all my friends as well and they said they had no...
  14. X

    70 WAM. Easy or difficult?

    yeah i was referring to usyd... but yea h for says 96 and distinction level.. but in the transfer forum..they needed significantly higher.. so for e.g. if you got 97 for you would high distinction average.. (now i realise what i said before was wrong..) cos a gpa of 6.5 =...
  15. X

    70 WAM. Easy or difficult?

    if you look over on the transfer section of this forum... you needed at least a 97.5 (50% atar 50% uni) so youd be safe with 98 atar and distinction average..
  16. X

    How to decline USYD 2nd Round Offer?

    If the entire UNSW Law faculty moved to UWS, are you telling me that you would still choose the 'new UWS' over USyd? lol
  17. X

    How to decline USYD 2nd Round Offer?

    You would still be hard pressed to find a student who would choose Yale over Harvard... Be serious, if i went around uni and asked (not that i would) which uni they would rather go to, theyd probably say harvard.... and regarding the statement abt employers from commercial firms and IBs...
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    How to decline USYD 2nd Round Offer?

    i dont think UNSW has ever been ranked better than USyd... the gug seems to say something otherwise... but prestige all the way :)
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    How to decline USYD 2nd Round Offer?

    I quite clearly said that I want to study law... It was just the decision between which uni.....