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  1. scaredytiger

    67% of girls are stupid.

    This happens in any thread even vaguely concerning gender issues.
  2. scaredytiger

    Your Ideal age to get married?

    People keep saying "You'll change your mind, you're only 18". I'm not going to change my mind, fuckers.
  3. scaredytiger

    Your Ideal age to get married?

    I am one of those people.
  4. scaredytiger

    Your Ideal age to get married?

    I'm not planning my life around marriage. I'm not really planning my life at all. So I don't know.
  5. scaredytiger

    where do you live?

    You should probably get that looked at.
  6. scaredytiger

    where do you live?

    More like shooped.
  7. scaredytiger

    where do you live?

    How does a camera MAKE YOUR FENCE TRANSPARENT?
  8. scaredytiger

    where do you live?

    It's easier than you think. Also, why is your fence transparent?
  9. scaredytiger

    where do you live?

    Oh look, stalker's paradise.
  10. scaredytiger

    As a young person do you feel disenfranchised by the two major parties?

    That's not what I was saying, but okay. I simply mean that illegal immigrants are people who overstay their visas, not "boat people"/asylum seekers.
  11. scaredytiger

    As a young person do you feel disenfranchised by the two major parties?

    Well, calling them 'illegal immigrants' is their first problem...
  12. scaredytiger

    Does the university you go to really matter?

    If you want to do Law externally, I'd advise doing a course that holds a week of on-campus classes - not just an online course. You need to be able to discuss law principles and speak well in public.
  13. scaredytiger

    As a young person do you feel disenfranchised by the two major parties?

    I don't have time to read the entire thread, but my vote will go to the Greens. Mainly because I've actually read their policies and they promote transparency in governing. Also, they directly oppose censorship of the internet.
  14. scaredytiger

    Whats the size of your...?

    I sit in the obese peoples' seat. The one that has about 20cm more leg room. It's pretty great.
  15. scaredytiger

    Greens call for a high speed rail link

    I would love a HSR system. Just putting it out there.
  16. scaredytiger

    Whats the size of your...?

    Are you an Alakazam?
  17. scaredytiger

    Whats the size of your...?

    My weight has nothing to do with my food intake.
  18. scaredytiger

    Whats the size of your...?

  19. scaredytiger

    Whats the size of your...?

    I was still slim when I was 62kg. :o