Man I was sorta looking forward to doing it in the future to supplement my studies of finance but from your description it doesn't sound too fun mate. Basically a quantitative course am I right?
Yeah i know most applicants wont really have any "relevant" work experience but Im wondering if someone with some work experience (retail/low end) will be favored much more than an identical applicant without any work experience.
Im a little confused,
From UNSW transfers page:
To be eligible for a transfer place applicants must have completed no more than one year of full-time tertiary study (or part-time equivalent).
QMA is probably a bit harder than 2U maths but easier than 3U. If u arent extremely bad at maths and do the required work (like 2~hrs of study a week) you should be fine.
ECON1101 - Microeconomics 1
"Principles of Microeconomics" by Ben Bernanke et al, 2nd Edition - $65
I no longer have use of this little "badboy" and want to get rid of it ASAP. It comes in excellent condition and has a really smooth cover that you will be rubbing for ages, the...
I know UNSW's business school is ranked higher than Usyd (32nd in the world?) and regarded a bit better according to employers (UNSW> Macq-Usyd > UWS > rest). But that being said, a lot of alumni from Usyd have done really really well (eg Glenn stevens B Eco(honors) at Usyd).
UNSW probably be a...
This is not true. You can do 2 majors in commerce and 1 major in eco for comm/eco
kaz1 - I think you can only do 1 major for commerce in B Commerce/Eng and 2 majors in engo (If you really want 2 majors for commerce consider comm/science)...