seems like a no-brainer to me.
telling him or not telling him doesn't change the actual problem you're facing, so you may as well bite the bullet and be honest.
yes it was greater union. that's why i'm adding my two cents here.
i started working there in i think november 2006. we were never asked what position we wanted to start off with, it was very much a 'start on floor and move up as you go along' kind of thing. maybe different theatres do it...
i don't think projection is something you can just get into straight away, you'd have to have worked there for a while, like at least a year. and i'm pretty sure everyone has to start off as an usher cause it's a fucking cinch, and then you'll get trained for candy bar/ticket selling/cash...
yeah i had this really weird mental breakdown of sorts at the start of the year (like term 1) where i went downstairs and was calmly like "so mum and dad, i'm dropping out. it's okay though i'll go to tafe and become a secretary."
but then i dropped english extension instead, wallah! back to...
my school doesn't offer standard either. i was replying to the douche who said NO selective school offered general maths, because mine clearly does (and is one of the two schools the op mentioned she wanted to apply to)
for real. and not a week goes by without some student/teacher/adult subtlely telling me that dropping extension 1 was the worst decision of my life.
lol omg i love u lyounamu :o CAL GET THE ADOPTION PAPERS QUICK NOW GO GO