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  1. S

    To what extent does History present us with a balanced interpretation of Albert Speer

    To what extent does history present us with a balanced interpretation of this personality How would you answer this question in terms of Albert Speer? So i was thinking of making two big ideas 1. Historians in the early stage concluded that Speer was a 'good Nazi' 2. With more sources being...
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    i have a couple of mh trials

    I have Economics and Chemistry wanna trade? PM me!!
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    2014 Modern History HSC exam predictions thread

    I have this feeling that they might ask you something about Anti-semitism on Totalitarian state/Hitler on Germany Option caz they havent really asked that topic for awhile in hsc If that comes out, ill be fucked :(
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    Urbanest or Iglue? looked arrite they charge about 290~310 pw and have your individual bathroom in your room which sounds good to me well u mite have to pay $50 extra pw for your own meal as they dont provide meal for u but if ur fine with that, then yeh Off-campus ones look much better than...
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    E12 Application

    I saw the article saying about 400~ got accepted out of 900~ applicants Though im not 100% sure
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    E12 Application

    lawl good to see you here 1. EAS closing date is by 30th. It said on the E12 website that you wont be disadvantaged if you hand in EAS after E12 closing date so its ok as long as u hand in before 30th. 2. Not sure about that - Im applying for youth allowance as well 3. Not sure 4. I want to...
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    Anyone applied to E12?

    If you have, What course have you applied to? me commerce !
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    how does aligning work with modern??

    would it be safe band five? wat would be the rough aligned mark?? if you get lower than that, would alinging actually go down or stay the same??
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    how does aligning work with modern??

    Say you got 75 raw mark overall would it actually go up to 80 in HSC mark? or actually go down? of about 70 HSC mark or would it stay the same?] Theres not much low ranged raw mark data base for m.history.. i have this feeling that im gonna be getting 65~75 raw mark for modern.... T.T
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    with Finalised ranks, ATAR ESTIMATE PLZ adrita !

    ?... what do u mean T.T Is it that i wont get that mark? i kinda see that i wont get 95 unless i do extremely well in external but not possible for 90+ ...?
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    with Finalised ranks, ATAR ESTIMATE PLZ adrita !

    i know you ! you estimated my atar from my before trial ranks Its a bit ironic caz my before trial rank was relatively worse than my finalised (except modern) and u said 93
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    with Finalised ranks, ATAR ESTIMATE PLZ adrita !

    School Rank 84 - 2013 Trial mark---Trial Rank---Overall Rank ESL 83%---3/54---5/54 Mathematics 73%---32/71---14/71 Chemistry 70%---17/57---19/57 Economics 84%---8/37---9/37 Modern History 66%---16/25---20/25 ....T.T I've been getting 90+(top 10) in...
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    I think 2014 Chem hsc will be hard

    Its really my personal opinion but i think this year's chem external exam will be hard Ive realised while doing some past papers that 2013 one was really really easy When i did other year's paper i got around late 70s or early 80s but i got early 90s in 2013 paper so i think 2014 one will be...
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    To what extent was the great depression responsible for the collapse of the republic

    Re: To what extent was the great depression responsible for the collapse of the repub Thanks alot!! Great help
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    To what extent was the great depression responsible for the collapse of the republic

    "To what extent was the great depression responsible for the collapse of the Weimar republic?" So that was my practice essay question and i found it to be quite hard question to answer How would u guys approach to such question like this? Do I have to mention/link Great depression to every...
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    am i answering the question?

    "To what extent was the great depression responsible for the collapse of the Weimar republic?" My intro or Thesis statement would be While the Great Depression had contributed to great instability of Republic, the collapse of the republic was primarily due to its inability to solve such...
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    Band 6 in ESL

    haha it seems like no one can answer this I think theres not many ppl doing ESL in community website I do ESL but im not sure about the answer to ur question
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    How long would it to go through the whole syllabus again thoroughly?

    ill say about a week to complete Core It took me 2 days to go over all the dot points on POM so yeh But its when you study chem only lawl so take about 2~3 weeks if u r gonna study with other subjects
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    Free chem notes with a bed time story

    wow y is it so big lawl 161 mb
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    POM calculation question HELP

    why 200g? i thought it said equal amount of C was used so wouldnt it be 400 for both ? why divide it ?