$3.98/kilo?! Where were you, in the middle of Sydney? What a rip-off! Most I have ever seen them is $2.75 at my store. Will admit that they look 200x better than Coles. At least it sort of looks like a market.
Poor produce guy would be doing a coronary over his banana prices. Must be comp...
The big question is why did you do it? Did you think you would really get away with it with the technology at their disposal? At the end of the day you helped your friend and you get the sack and nothing happens to them. Yeh that was worth it.
Yeh I am not looking forward to Easter Thursday/Saturday... let's just say our store is projecting $1m in sales in just those two days alone that week...
Wow I didn't even think it was possible to get 0% in a mystery shopper test. Even with no staff on the grocery floor I'm sure someone was there in other departments? Our SM is disappointed with 95% lol.
Good four year thread revival?
Good luck with getting out of the SDA. The Union hacks specifically have a shame policy that makes it feel wrong to not join (they seriously do pressure you, it's seen as a sin to not join) and impossible to not. I remember I was the only one at induction not to...
Lol my SM took one look at that memo and said no. Noone was to wear bunny ears, even on service. Service staff (and other small departments eg GM/Apparel) do have to wear that easter badge though but thats hardly the end of the world. No way in a million years would I make people wear bunny ears...
Not store management. Keep going. Regional management. You are in charge of about four stores. Aldi's regions are different that others. You will be travelling hundreds of km's a week. That's why they give you a company car. Also from all accounts you need 70hr/s week+. Given you take say $8k...
Really? Our store is a medium sized shopping centre (prob 30-40 shops) and most do spend lunch inside. We even have designated couches for people to sleep on lol.
I watched both... completely disagreed with the tone (very Today Tonightish - not what I expect my taxpayers dollars to be spent on) of the first piece (the generic looks at Woolworths vs Coles)... it's not their fault that they legally manipulated the system. They harp on about this 70% market...
Enjoying this day off... not looking forward to the next two weeks... don't have another day off till next Wednesday, then six days straight until the Wednesday after that... but I have had back to back four day weeks so I guess I am paying for relaxing now!
Well one lasted over half an hour, after about ten mins (two customers or so) I popped up the green 'let us serve you at another checkout sign' and the lady completely ignored it, in fact used it as her divider between her shopping and the other customers (no way she could have missed it, in...
I'm realising Coles cost-cutting is just as bad as Woolworth's cost cutting. At least two of my ten hours today would have been spent in priority ones. It's not like I have a department that needs managing or anything is it?
Yeh our store is getting one too in a couple of weeks. They are just making it more colourful and easier to locate stuff, removing shit that doesn't sell, giving more space to shit that does, and all in all making the aisle a whole lot bigger.
Meh we just don't have the numbers of the Woolworths kids?
Did anyone read in Store Comms this morning Ian's reply to Today Tonight over their unit pricing story? To recap, TT ran a story (Tuesday I think) that Coles unit pricing was a myth and that we had huge discrepancies on products such as...
Yeh the St Clair store manager and I got on quite well. He has been there for 3-4 years, surprised he didn't move on sooner. I thought it was only 2 year terms?
Poor guy. SM from Penrith is a twat from memory.
Also lol at thinking 4k waste from 200k sales is good. Your management team should be getting shot. My Coles does 4-5k and we have 7x the sales. The meat manager got grilled last week because his waste was $3 over lol.