Of course they do! I need is support job services, note takers in lectures, tut supporters and that. Its hell good!
Well i hope Qtac get me better selective rank and OP.
Already ate it thank you.
I dont trust this system. I dont like TAFE and community colleges. They dont have what i can do! But they are both like high school bullies and shithead fucked up education. I dont want my 2009 to be wasteful year. Thats why UAC gives me a shit. Thats how they can be...
LOL you are calling me poor from being a disability? Theres no disability person like me get marks like you guys. Thats fucked up discriminating! Imagine if i wasnt a disability? My uai would be 99.99.
Im not stupid. They control my fucken life to be like hell of fire. Like living in volcano! Or become criminal and find to rape with in Cabramatta!
UAC is ugly shit and so HSC. Fucked up shit. Its gay and full of lairs.
What?!! Qld make people dreams to come true and make the world continues to spin to make it more picture perfect.
Nsw doesn't. Its all about fucked up students.
Read again and get this fact right. NSW have to much stupidity against discrimination of lowest UAI outside of Sydney. It is NOT fair. WE need seperate systems!
Well still not sure about me in Gold Coast yet. Thye are placed 2nd and 3rd on my preference list as selective ranking of 64.
James Cook is first and its only 66 so it might be very likely to get placed up there after my offer of accommodation.