Seriously? They're saying they're too fat 'cause they chow down cereal for breakfast, bacon butties for lunch and microwave pies with mashed potato or chips for dinner. FUCKING SERIOUSLY?
How the fuck are they gonna lose weight if they're on a fattening diet such as that? Hope they fucking die...
Re: Australia is to announce $73bn in defence spending aimed at equipping its militar
sif abandon the cities. Imagine ADF troops holding off cunts on George St., the city circle train stations and the CBD.
Oh noes, galaxy world is gone D=.:haha:
*looking for for my sides* ah here they are *stick them back on and continues to laugh*.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
Japanese porn is digusting, try trimming for shaving once in a while eh? The males are perv cunts and do all these nasty shits. While the whores will try to act cute and...
Japan is the land of weird. Just about everything there are weird and insanity (to us anyway). You either find them repulsive or extremely attractive, there are no in betweens.
For example, Placenta Drink 90000 and uhh.......I'll just give up on anything that might have been good coming from...
Shuning, stop using "fob". Fob is a derogatory term, calling them "imports" will not give you the same malicious satisfaction against a "fob" but it sure wont get you "jumped" or a black eye or two for your trouble. Word of advice. ;)
jeshxcore: you grew up mainly around white people, what the fuck do you know about asian people? You whitewashed banana fuck.
You were raised in Wahroonga or what ever that place is called, you were not raised in the Western suburbs where ALMOST ALL of the asians are located. If you live out...