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  1. S

    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    By the way, baulko interviews came out if anyone was wondering.
  2. S

    Year 10 2024 School applications

    So free
  3. S

    Has anyone received an acceptance notice for the edutest for Baulko or Jr?

    Icic. I wonder whether they would hold an interview. I know a few people who have had to do interviews, which would obviously be 2-3 weeks earlier than the Sep 22 release date.
  4. S

    Has anyone received an acceptance notice for the edutest for Baulko or Jr?

    Where did you find out this information?
  5. S

    Has anyone received an acceptance notice for the edutest for Baulko or Jr?

    Do you know whether this is for the interview stage as well? If they want to organise interviews wouldn't it make more sense to send it by email due to a possible time rush? I could see the point in sending the outcome by mail but I don't see a reason to send an interview opportunity by mail.
  6. S

    Has anyone received an acceptance notice for the edutest for Baulko or Jr?

    I mean Secretive Fish stated that some offers have been handed out. Edutest was quite a while ago, so I would assume that offers are being handed out. Depends on whether they have an interview process, but sghs states that they "may" interview meaning that those applicants may have just been...
  7. S

    Has anyone received an acceptance notice for the edutest for Baulko or Jr?

    I heard it has been done before. But wouldn’t have thought that no interviews would be taken. Nevertheless, I’m not an expert by no means, however I would make the assertion that the tests only stand as a differentiating factor. If you take into consideration the large amounts of applicants...
  8. S

    Has anyone received an acceptance notice for the edutest for Baulko or Jr?

    Yeah, I haven’t checked as my parents would be the primary email. But I would think they should come out within the next few days.
  9. S

    Has anyone received an acceptance notice for the edutest for Baulko or Jr?

    Not too sure of the exact date. However, I am quite confident it is at the end of August. It will differ by each school, but I am rather certain that no school would have released any results as of now. They would usually come all together, opposed to individually.
  10. S

    Has anyone received an acceptance notice for the edutest for Baulko or Jr?

    That's interesting. It is quite hard to know whether anyone has really gotten results because Baulko doesn't release rejection letters as far as I know. However, I believe it is very unlikely that anyone has gotten any results because the projected release date is late August, I think. I've...
  11. S

    Year 10 2024 School applications

    In all honesty, I see no benefit in your transferring at this point. Some may argue, that transferring can motivate you to perform better, however, conversely it can demotivate you due to the sheer pressure from the competitive academic environment. Frankly, if you are not near the top at your...
  12. S

    Has anyone received an acceptance notice for the edutest for Baulko or Jr?

    Currently, I don't believe any results have been released regarding acceptances. I'd expect them to have the interview acceptance results by the end of Aug and the outcomes by mid-September. I know that Baulko's results were released a few days ago, however, I believe this is up to the...