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  1. G

    Transfering from Usyd Arts to ANU law...

    Deleting old thread and moving here due to lack of activity. I've been at Usyd for 2 years doing a B.A. Credit-Distinction average, 3.5GPA. 74.98WAM. Trying to get into B.Arts/Law at ANU, which has an atar of 96. I got an atar of 96.65 in 2011. What are the odds that the atar will I...
  2. G

    Can anyone briefly explain how degrees work? Please click to answer questions What is the difference between a major and a minor? how many majors and minors can i pick? do majors and minors have to belong to the same degree? Do minors cost the same amount as the same subject if I were to pick it as a major...
  3. G

    Question About Arts/Humanities Degrees

    not to sure how uni works....I am trying to understand how it works at UOW CourseFinder - Future Students @ UOW click undergraduate. If i were to choose Arts and Humanities, how many subjects could i choose? is it more expensive/wise to choose multiple subjects? what is studied under...
  4. G

    Matter, atoms, etc

    Which degree would be best to learn about atoms,matter,elements,etc.. I do chemistry right now in hs...i might be interested in learning more.. also what kind of career could I achieve with said degree? thanks
  5. G

    A degree from What I like, Or what will benefit me?

    What if I had a job that I hated but was very well paying and the coke addiction was sustainable?
  6. G

    A degree from What I like, Or what will benefit me?

    I'm going into Uni soon, and I'm tossing up whether I should choose a degree that would interest me, or a degree that would offer a definite, well paying job. A well paying job would include a degree from something commerce/law/business related. Although I am sure I could handle the work, I can...
  7. G

    Anyone who has/is at uow for commerce related studying

    This post really blew my mind. I was considering a commerce career because I aimed to make a lot of money. However, I dont think I could wake up everyday and continue working happily How can I decide on what career path I should take?
  8. G

    Anyone who has/is at uow for commerce related studying

    Economics isnt being run at our school (only 2-3 kids picked it) BS was being run on two lines...from the two lines only about 30-35 chose it...they could only keep 28...I was cut because my backup "needed more people" is there still hope or should i rethink things?
  9. G

    Anyone who has/is at uow for commerce related studying

    I'm currently in yr11 HS. I am considering UOW to study commerce, finance. If you are studying or have studied this, I would like to know a few things... how do you find the school work? I do 3 units of english (advanced + extension) but only general maths...will i be able to handle the...
  10. G

    Maths question

    ok i get it, thanks to the both of you
  11. G

    Maths question

    someone help me: Gemma stacks four blocks, each a different colour, on top of another to create a tower How many different towers can she make if she puts all four blocks in a different order each time?
  12. G

    Geo Aid Help

    hey, can anyone give me an example of how Australia contributed to international aid? im guessing we are gonna need to know: aid what is aid government and NGO's tied and untied aid example of aid im guessing the extended response will prob be on this or Aus as a global citizen..
  13. G

    Tuesday 10 November 2009

    we did a local area which was suffering urban decline as well as a nearby area which was undergoing gentrification ... went on an excursion and stuff. also for extended response remember to use words like urban sprawl, gentrification and ect
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    im also wondering this
  15. G

    General Thoughts: English–literacy

    damn, i had safe life but changed it for driving. It confused me cos the kid wouldn't stfu about going up in life and the tiger only chose to say something when they crashed
  16. G

    General Thoughts: English–literacy

    in the last calvin and hobbes question, why did the tiger talk... was it to comment on the bad driving or to say a safe life is best?
  17. G

    General Thoughts: English–literacy

    any idea when the results come back?
  18. G

    General Thoughts: English–literacy

    I choose disapproval :S, more of a guess than anything
  19. G

    General Thoughts: Science

    really easy. I totally forgot the word "Indicator" for one of the writing questions, lost one mark there :(
  20. G

    General Thoughts: English–literacy

    seemed fairly easy, anyone else use the dice to write about a gambler? Calvin and Hobbes ftw