Relax you'll be fine. Last year when I did english, (I did the HSC over two years at tafe) all my pens ran out so I wrote most of my essays in pencil and I still got a decent mark. Don't stress!
Yeah, I'm pretty confident. I got 9 wrong though I'm sure lol for some reason I thought that it didn't matter what hardware you had, only if it was feasible with the new technology of the proposed solution and that the participant training or whatever came in with operational. Ah well I'm just...
I had never seen this symbol before ever, but I just assumed it was SSL as it was the only one associated with security. I looked it up and it's right.
Also, question 19 was just stupid. I put B as it sorta fitted in with the normal framework but as some people have already said, it...
Hahaha yeah it's reassuring to know that if I did fail I didn't do it alone lol
Well technically if it used the GPS satellite and a tracking device surelyit's worth a mark at least right?
The farm stock idea is a good one though!
For the question where you had to draw the network of the...
I agree about the organising/processing/analysing crap.. seriously how many questions do they wanna give us to test us on those things? And it was really ambiguous.. I waffled on soo much!
Multiple choice was easy I thought, TPS and multimedia were okay too.
For the alternative use of that...
Can someone tell me the difference? I'm guessing that the network management software is more related to the ongoing maintenence where as the operation software enables the system to function? What are some examples of each??
I'm looking over a data flow diagram for the school timetable system in the Samuel Davis book and it has 'Admin staff' as an external entity. I thought that participants are part of the system and therefore they aren't considered to be an external entity..
Someone please explain?
I have a question -
I'm doing my HSC this year, planning to do pharmacy eventually (I won't get the ATAR I need for Sydney Uni next year) Would it be easier for me to do medical science at another uni then transfer to pharmacy at syd, or do science at syd then transfer to pharmacy?? I'm...
Just a couple of questions-
Firstly, what are some important elements in designing online or paper forms?
Also, I've never learnt anything about user interfaces for online real-time or batch updating.. Can someone explain? I just came across the syllabus point then.
Any help would be much...
Can i just randomly say how hilarious it is that in every discussion on here I come across, someone always gets into an argument over the most petty things hahaha.. I think HSC has gotten the better of everyone and they're all pissed off 24 7.. lol (this isn't meant to offend anyone by the way)