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  1. B

    NSW student in years 9 to 12 get a laptop

    i can see why people not in school would be angered, im in school so it is all good
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    Woman sells her viriginity for $3.7 million USD

    complain that the product didn't meet company standards and that you would like a new virgin free of charge
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    Fatties have right to extra airline seat

    medically = yes fair enough just fat = pay yourself I can't really see the differnece between that and me saying i get sore legs and asking for another seat and then having my feet up, FREE OF CHARGE
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    Yr 11 Subjects Chosen

    atm i am doing phy bio chem engeneering adv math adv eng and extension BTW aim for whatver you want dont let people tell you! It is up to do your best
  5. B

    cherry cherry cherry boom boom!

    giggity giggity
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    Animal Farm - George Orwell

    true it was like almost everything had an alternate meaning animalism = communism i found it to be fairly predictable as in what was going to happen not a bad book and the fact that it was 120 pages makes it even better :haha:
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    Thoughts on To Kill A Mockingbird?

    I agreed 100% with everything u said lol harry potter is just about the only books that i have read start to finish in one session ( all dayer) lol
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    Animal Farm - George Orwell

    what are your opinions of the book "Animal Farm" by George Orwell?:confused:
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    Uni Questions

    Re: what to wear to uni that dragon seems familiar hmmm?