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  1. S

    Anyone going to UNCLE?

    LOL that will vanish when pple at uni start asking me where I come from. My atar wasnt that good (92) but good enough to get the job done. Ive never known anyone at kurri, but in cessnock we say that kurri pple have 3 heads. Did ur mate go to mt view HS?
  2. S

    Atheism - Discussion thread

    its funny how religious pple always accuse atheists of misinterpreting them I already explained that science will need time to give the answers u dickhead. And fuck off that science doesnt have as much as evidence as religion. Ur just plain wrong there.
  3. S

    Atheism - Discussion thread

    I beg ur pardon. The large majority of what we know in the world today has been brought to us by science, experimentation and rationality. Science has not found the absolute solution to the question of existance, but atheists predict that with time, science will uncover more answers (this...
  4. S

    Anyone going to UNCLE?

    Im doin biomed. After i finish it, im gonna look at workin in a pathology lab (most likely) or turn to HMRI. Even if i do pathology, i still need to do something else, cos path lab workers dont earn that much. I can do MBBS at sydney and become a doctor/pathologist or i can do Master...
  5. S

    Exercise books?

    2 days a week? What course r u doin? How many contact hours? I think im lookin at between 22 - 25 contact hours this year, and i want fridays off.
  6. S

    Anyone going to UNCLE?

    ahhh ok. i need a job i mustnt be trying hard enough (dont go thinking im one of those cessnock centrelink bludgers lol)
  7. S

    Anyone going to UNCLE?

    aww fuck
  8. S

    Anyone going to UNCLE?

    btw where do u live?
  9. S

    Anyone going to UNCLE?

    ^ lol cessnock aint as bad as pple say theres some absolute idiots, but it doesnt stop normal pple living there, or doing well there At my school, there were 2 ATAR's in the 90's (mine the highest of the two) and then there was a massive drop off. The third highest ATAR was 79. There...
  10. S

    first day worst day

    im gonna be so fucking nervous on my first day but no, i wont be goin to unsw.
  11. S

    Anyone going to UNCLE?

    u obviously dont know the cessnock/kurri area. At least cessnock is better than kurri. I didnt know anyone from kurri high school was goin to uni this year :confused: cos they had a prety shit year. We at cessnock high did better. Thats embarrasing for u guys lol.
  12. S

    Anyone going to UNCLE?

    plz explain?
  13. S

    Anyone going to UNCLE?

    oh ok. Well i will be there. I had mates who wanted to do biomed with me, but they didnt get the atar they needed. They did crap. Not that i got a heaps good atar, but it was good enough to get into biomed.
  14. S

    Anyone going to UNCLE?

    hi! u know anyone else doin biomed? How many do they accept into the course?
  15. S

    what is the earliest you have had to start uni?

    next year in semester 2 i have a 2 hour anatomy lecture that starts at 7 am.
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    Money-saving tips?

    i must admit.... i did have to laugh at that
  17. S

    3rd syllabus column

    Some things in the third column are stupid, and relate directly back to the other column. All they test are ur skills, which often just rely on common sense. However, some things are different concepts and must be studied. e.g. donated blood, artificial blood and hormone replacement...
  18. S

    Reflections of a 4th yr pharm student--pls read if you're considering pharm

    thankyou lala, you are a resourceful person. BUT I must ask, in that award that u posted a hyperlink to, what are the terms of those salaries? e.g. current unregistered pharmacists receive a minimum of $989.40. Is that the minimum salary per month?
  19. S

    Reflections of a 4th yr pharm student--pls read if you're considering pharm

    hey lala. Im doin biomedical science at newcastle uni for 3 years, then i might consider doing a Master of Pharmacy after that (totalling 5 years). I might not do pharmacy; may do pathology, medicine or research (pathology lookin good). I wouldnt wanna do community pharmacy...