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  1. L

    wats ur gym routine

    im just playing roundwith routine atm, got kinda bored of sl and wanted to add something diff but yeah, too much volume neglecting shit here and there cheers
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    wats ur gym routine

    cyclin in b4 dbol, stana, synthol, tren, horse tranquilisers, test boosters, etc ps: any opinion brahs?
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    italians herbs bread toasted double meat - chicken teriyaki + chicken strips all salad besides carrot sweet onion sauce + salt and pepper brb i just died and went to heaven
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    wats ur gym routine

    5x8 front squats 3x8 incline db 5xf weighted dips 3x10 seated close grip rows 3xf pull ups hanging leg raises curlz 4 da gurlz im just playing around with stuff, what do you guys think of this or is it complete shit tier lol
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    can't really get rid them stretchmmarks, what you can do is tan or apply coconut oil (?) onto your skin so it darkens it so it is not as noticable
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    wats ur gym routine

    the test boost from legs = broscience ?? brb squatting and walking all over unsw Q_Q
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    who is this ngr

    who is this ngr
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    Your first day at uni

    alberto motta you can ravage my angus nohomo
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    Your first day at uni

    oh i went to crunch, but during oweek i went on tuesday? and i squatted 2 plate for few reps in powerack in corner, too many phukking imports and shit doing curls wtfman.jpg
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    Your first day at uni

    someone needs to point this nigger out i will get onto it asap
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    Your first day at uni

    9-10am lecture pool at roundhouse maccas pool gym met couple of new people which was cool
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    wats ur gym routine

    2R01rQSdsPs .......
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    Semester 1 UNSW Chatter Thread

    no idea :L sorry LOL
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    Semester 1 UNSW Chatter Thread

    > guy doing weighted dips in unsw gym today you are a god gjdm > joocey chick in black polker dot dress @ secret stand yesterday > my bad brahs to seniors giving tours, i legged it > wouldnt mind meeting some of you brahs, lets hit it up on thurs? nohomo nostalker strong everything
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    Semester 1 UNSW Chatter Thread

    nah its cool, which stall was this btw loll
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    Semester 1 UNSW Chatter Thread

    bloody phukking asians (no racist) (im asian come at me)
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    Semester 1 UNSW Chatter Thread

    sup guys who was at poker LMAO
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    Swizzle's Love Thread - Post anonymous messages to your secret crush

    oh heavenly blessed beauty, please come back to training next week AHAHAHHA doing dat dere bcomm too YAE YAE