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  1. Dr_Fresh

    Curtin University, Sydney?

    never heard of the place.
  2. Dr_Fresh

    who would you turn gay for?

    Btw the prostate thing is a myth. I've felt a couple of dozen prostates. The most that happens is an erection. But then again maybe I'm only in there for less than a minute.
  3. Dr_Fresh

    university medicine interview

    Not necessary, but you won't have anything to talk about and won't look very good. Real talk though, just make it up and make it sound believable. You have other things to focus on e.g atar, umat
  4. Dr_Fresh

    who would you turn gay for?

    road trip
  5. Dr_Fresh


    how much does a polar bear weigh?
  6. Dr_Fresh


    its 50 raw in each section. percentiles arent really used at all for anything. its just for you to see how well you did compared to those in your cohort.
  7. Dr_Fresh

    Guys what course would i HAVE TO choose to become a doctor in uni?

    a real doctor or fake doctor? fake doctor: dentistry real doctor: medicine
  8. Dr_Fresh

    What is the Difference Between Medicine in UNSW and UWS?

    I know plenty of 99.95ers getting crushed in exams by rural kids who got 95. It's a different style of learning (ie doing stuff on wards). There's no correlation between atar and success in medicine in my experience
  9. Dr_Fresh

    What is the Difference Between Medicine in UNSW and UWS?

    all undergrad unis have medians in the 99s.
  10. Dr_Fresh

    What is the Difference Between Medicine in UNSW and UWS?

    no. all doctors (including US trained ones) must sit the licensing exams (USMLE steps 1-3) in order to practice in the USA. changing the name doesnt really change anything. all australian doctors who have passed exams and go to practice in the US will have MD after their name. imo, the change...
  11. Dr_Fresh

    What is the Difference Between Medicine in UNSW and UWS?

    the difference is that you get a degree from a Go8 uni if you go to UNSW and you dont if you go to UWS. other than that, no difference.
  12. Dr_Fresh

    the guy that i used to like last year lied

    ur too good for him bebe.
  13. Dr_Fresh

    Pretty Girl on the Train

  14. Dr_Fresh

    best uni for nursing in nsw?!

    there arent many nursing students on these forums. but all courses have clinical experience (some maybe SLIGHTLY more than others). dont know what u mean by nursing practitioner
  15. Dr_Fresh

    best uni for nursing in nsw?!

    just go to the uni most convenient for you. ur guaranteed employment.