What happens if, in a marriage, one person has HIV and the other doesn't? According to the Church's teachings, it would be fine for them to have sex, but not fine for them to use a condom to hopefully prevent transmission. By preventing access to/education about condoms, wouldn't the Church be...
Using this logic any site that can be interpreted to "harm" someone is wrong. This could include major news sites, Wikipedia, and political party sites, as well as personal pages.
Furthermore, no-one is stopping them from accessing the site but themselves. They are not being stripped of their...
You could argue that it does earn its money by providing goods and services for the public (regardless of whether you think those goods and services could be provided more effectively by the private sector). Also, afaik, taxation is economically good because it redistributes income to lower...
Not if proper education is provided and adhered too. Education which is undermined by the Pope's comments that condoms do not prevent AIDS at all (which is false).
lol no they don't. They'd simply slow the spread slower than abstinence. They wouldn't accelerate the spread, which is what the Pope said.
Search for catholic church aids on Google and this thread is on the first page lol.
In regards to the Church actively preventing condom use:
"In Lwak, near...
Nonetheless it's 'good intentions' are pretty fucking useless.
IMO we should just nuke the Middle East. Although then there'd be a lot less to argue about on these forums...
What basis does Israel have to exist, again? Besides religion and the UN, both of which are shit.