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  1. carrots please!

    estimate plz

    lol my aim is 83... anyone else want to give me a prediction?!
  2. carrots please!

    Advice Please! HSC Subject Selection! Particulary calling those who study languages

    continuers is a mark/ 100 and extension is like any other one unit course/ 50. definitely take it up if you're capable!
  3. carrots please!

    estimate plz

    so my school is ranked around 360; but that's only from a year's data... final ranks and assessment marks, gen. maths 9/18 60% (presumably won't count) adv eng 2/13 85% french cont, 3/4 72% drama 1/7 90% business 1/9 81% bio 2 or 3/9 76% i'm hoping for low band 5s externally for french and...
  4. carrots please!

    Year 12 Regrets

    - not putting more effort into maths - not prioritising properly - not being disciplined enough - not making summaries as i've gone along - leaving assessments to the last minute. on every single occasion. i've done pretty well, but i just wonder how much better i was capable of - wasting time -...
  5. carrots please!

    Are you honest if you are given marks you dont deserve

    no. i'm a pretty moral person and have told in other years, but really, year 12 is brutal. take what you can get.
  6. carrots please!

    noob UAC question

    nah im pretty sure you have until the 5th or 6th january to change preferences in time for first round
  7. carrots please!

    What do you hate about USyd

    but the 95.xx is out of my reach :( i could do arts and then transfer, i guess unsw seems easier though, espesh with hsc+
  8. carrots please!

    What do you hate about USyd

    i hate that they don't offer arts/ economics
  9. carrots please!

    Rules for Customers

    most annoying shit ever. haha i don't need the fucking condescending looks. dont say 'was it a long day?' (doesn't happen that often now i don't usually work weekdays but still). i was at school, fuckwit. yes, im in year 12. i do have a brain. and just because i mixed up the code and scanned...
  10. carrots please!

    Trials Thoughts/Results

    Re: The 'I CBF TO STUDY/DO WORK AFTER TRIALS' thread fuck :( i have my last exam in the morning... i can't stop focusing on tomorrow night though fuckety fuck. bio is so fucking gay :(
  11. carrots please!


    suicide is nothing more than a disastrous act of self expression
  12. carrots please!

    how are all your major works going?

    even so, must be so good to have that over with! bos aren't coming to assess ours til next wednesday...
  13. carrots please!

    how are all your major works going?

    drama ip handed in today thank christ that's overrr
  14. carrots please!

    I missed my HSC exam...

    unless you argue that you've been in a coma or something, i don't think you have an argument for "not knowing" it was on have you talked to your teacher? classmates?
  15. carrots please!

    Dreams about the HSC.

    last week i dreamt that i was in the car on the way to school for a trial exam, though i was thinking it was for ipt or some subject i don't do. then i realised it was english paper 2 and started panicking and reading the fiftieth gate in the car, trying to memorise quotes. then i made the car...
  16. carrots please!

    Beijing Olympics 2008 Discussion Thread

    omg that poor american. ouch
  17. carrots please!

    Who hasn't put in their uni preferences?

    done done done. anyone know if vtac charge if you change prefs after submitting?