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  1. D

    AAAAGGH - Turn off Your Torrent Client on Campus!

    proving that someone was downloading an illegal torrent is very hard to prove. Even 'large amounts of bandwidth' isnt enough evidence - i download linux isos all the time. The IT are spastics if they think this work. bahahahaha its actually quite funny
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    AAAAGGH - Turn off Your Torrent Client on Campus!

    bahahah OP is obviously IT Cronies @ Uni trying to scare people not to torrent.
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    Office jobs on SEEK?

    you wont be getting an "office job" any time soon
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    LOST STUDENT NO. and UAC details

    You wont need it, you probably wont get into uni tbh
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    university syllabus?

    a syllabus at my uni/faculty can be as minimal as one paragraph. yeh its a pain in the ass but you get used to it
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    University Courses

    dude, sorry to tell you - but you won't be going to uni. Your dumb as fuck. Pro-tip: Take an apprenticeship while you can
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    Am I Right?

    ladymarella - you're fat, ugly or both. Stop trying to justify this by saying its a personal choice. You sound like those 50 year olds who prance around in tennis skirts thinking they're hot. Instead of writing bullshit stories on bs trying to justify your shit life, why dont you go out, find a...
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    sucess stories, tafe to uni?

    A friend of mine did uni @ UC, then after a year got a transfer straight over to ANU. They even accredited some of his courses as "general science units". so yes, it is possible
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    Unis that take only UAI with less than 1 yr FT study (ALL fails)?

    why not enter the workforce, then decide later if you want to go back to uni as a mature age student? uni didnt seem like the right decision the first time.
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    what should I do? science->med or economics?

    change your career path while you're still young. If you can't pass UMAT then you're not passionate/smart enough/haave the aptitude to be a doctor
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    how do you ask a guy out/to the formal??

    srs, just go upto your friend, "hey davo, how are you today?" "i've got my formal coming up in a few weeks, i was wondering if you would like to come along with me?" unless you're really fat & ugly, theres a 95% chance the guy is gonna say yes... as per above, dont make a big deal about it,
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    Canberra law - driving without a valid licence?

    if you're on nsw p's you can pay a license fee, and transfer your license to an act license. I'm not sure if you have to do a practical test, however in the long term it's much better, you get a year less on your p plates, a bac limit > 0and 10km more on your speed limit. (don't hold me to this...
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    Information on Accommodation

    well then just rephrase your email to something like "i will be overseas between {dates} and would like to schedule a phone interview before i leave if possible. I would be very keen to go to johns.. bla bla etc etc"
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    Information on Accommodation

    as mine was a while ago, all i remember is that it was well after schoolies but before the end of the year. just pop them a qucik polite email, ask for the date the interviews will be held. (make sure you tell them which city youlive in)
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    Does ANU have a wireless network?

    i'll have t double check with my mate, but i'm pretty sure that the wirless came out of their anusa budget, so they just cut it off because it costs money. :( Now we have a bruce guy called Tully who has made president, i hope he will reverse that.
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    can you access the bios? just get into a habit of booting linux from an sd/usb, then that will override everything
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    Information on Accommodation

    that has been covered many times before.... start there and read all the old stuff.
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    Netbooks regularly sell netbooks. btw they're having a 1.2million dollar netbook sale on thursday. Mine was a 7" screen, 356mb ram (removable), runs linux, and has 4GB of solid state storage Bought 2GB of ram to max for like $20 and bough an 8GB SDHC class 6 card. then installed xp...
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    Unilodge or ANU college?

    1st papragraph, put simply, yes. 2nd paragraph - it's about finding the right balance. I had troubles finding it when i first arrived, but it doesn't take long to find the right balance. you can do everything you want provided you're organised.
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    Internal Transfer

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