I have been given an assignment for D & t and I must produce a practical design solution for a design problem. Does anyone know of any problems I would be able to solve? keeping in mind I must create a full scale model of the design.
what THE FUCK@!@!@!@!@!
I'm in year 11. I do advanced english and trust me its terrible. I guess it depends on the teacher. However, i cannot fathom someone liking ext english.
Don't point the finger and call me ignorant. IF you plan on doing your an impersective .. little fuck who enjoys...
Shame, know what will probably double the deaths? Suicide unfortunately. All the people fleeing their house coming home to a house that no longer stands, without the refuge of insurance. All the emergency service personnel witnessing such horrific scenes. My heart goes out to the ones left...
I really owned Geo. I cross checked my answers for the multi and I got 20/20 and I answered all the other questions over the lines supplied, lol. The rest band 5's not fussed in particular.
Does anyone know how many marks i would need to get in Geo for a band 6?