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  1. P

    but secksiiminh's banned. and they block one's ip if one is banned is it not?

    but secksiiminh's banned. and they block one's ip if one is banned is it not?
  2. P

    secksiiminh? :uhoh:

    secksiiminh? :uhoh:
  3. P

    innocent or hot?

    it's pretty much self evident you scatterbrain.
  4. P

    innocent or hot?

    we deduced this from the pathetic persona you have painted of yourself through your posts during your duration on bos.
  5. P

    Things that annoy you.

    yes it is. you can't deny
  6. P

    innocent or hot?

    confirmed mamoz
  7. P

    Things that annoy you.

    yeah i'm thongetsu
  8. P

    Things that annoy you.

    i am not omie jay :cry:
  9. P

    Things that annoy you.

    - people trying to find out who i am :shy:
  10. P

    Things that annoy you.

    feels better doing it while lying down tbh
  11. P

    Things that annoy you.

    i'd rather be gay
  12. P

    Things that annoy you.

    quit making up stories about how you are so irresistable to guys. we get it.
  13. P

    innocent or hot?

    shut the fuck up you illiterate, uneducated, insensible twit. negs to you are well justified. secksiiminh will grace BOS with his divine presence as soon as his exams are over.
  14. P

    Whats 'hot' for you?

    dear me i think you just described vanilla latte
  15. P

    I Make Signatures

    what the fuck? why do people even give a fuck about reps?
  16. P

    Things that annoy you.

    this and good news week. who the fuck came up with this shit?
  17. P

    Things that annoy you.

    m8 mamoz and vanilla latte are basically twins
  18. P

    Things that annoy you.

    mebby she's abit too gskdgksdjg to know that she's being insulted?
  19. P


    2x^3 - 2x^-1 +3 x^-2 = 6x^2 + 2x^-2 - 6x^-3