Stil,l coaches have a massive sway over teams. More than they get credit for at times. (Just see how Australia go this year without Hiddink)
Argentina no doubt have some fantastic forwards (including the current best in the world) and will probably do well. But, imo Argentina are just paying...
Yeah Maradona is a bit of a wild card. Doesn't seem to be the world's best coach and pretty much blooded half the country as Argentina struggled to qualify. But any country with the likes of Messi up front and enough quality to back him up are sure to be in with a chance.
Re: The Official Football Thread
lol Rafa had about half the Spanish team at Liverpool last year. And only money stopped him from getting Silva + Villa in the off-season. But it does seem they like to stay around other Spaniards. (Except Fabregas, although rumours are he's on the move to Barca...
That game would rock, I hope it happens. That's why Spain will have to be careful coming out of their easy group and getting immediately thrust into Brazil/Portugal/Ivory Coast. Poor old North Korea, why do they even bother coming.
Exactly, they can't change the game retrospectively. Both teams knew the rules going out to play, the referees decision stands. If they changed the rules after the game it would have been unfair on France.
No way Spain are choking in the group stages. Best team in the tournament in the easiest group in tournament. They could choke in the round of 16 though if they're not careful.
The goal was at the end of the first period of extra time. Ireland had already gone nearly 105 minutes keeping France scoreless, managed to score one themselves and were only 15 minutes away from a penalty shootout to decide who took the place in the world cup. The 2nd half of extra time is...
FIFA couldn't really do anything and I'm glad they didn't, the ref's decision should be final despite how horrendously wrong it was. But it is a good example of just how close France got to not making it.
Well France only made it in with a blatant handball, it should be Ireland's place. And apart from a few ageing, past-their-prime strikers their team really is dull.
Wow that was one of the lamest things I have ever seen.
Whoever is paying you to pre-test that ad on BOS really doesn't know their target market. That is unless you really are interested in this revolutionary new advertising campaign and not just fishing for compliments/improvements. But...
Not really, but ranks will tell you more than raw class marks. For instance, your school may set really tough tests and something like 67 for maths might not be as bad as it looks when compared to the rest of the state.
Yeah, Germany are getting plagued with injuries, they've already lost Adler their first keeper and arguably first team midfielder Simon Rolfes. And on top of that Klose and Podolski look like shit. The Aussie's group could really even itself out.
Yeah I have, they ship each book individually too so if one is out of stock you don't have to wait around for ages for the others. It also means the mail is pretty cool for about a week (3 books one day, 2 the next, 4 the next day etc.) I ordered 11 books for around $100 and I'd happily do it...
Well 4U maths is certainly popular around these parts. I'll probably pick it up too. I have 11 units in year 11 (+ Photography TVET) and I'll have 12 in year 12. It's gonna suck to actually have less frees in yr 12.
Ugh, I did SDD for about a month at the start of the year. I thought it would be programming but it was all "Team Management" and "Ergonomics in the work area". So glad I got out of it when I did.
Depends what the group is like.
Brunswick St is good for food and has a real atmosphere around the bars and clubs on Friday and Saturday and you'll almost always find live music. A bit like Newtown if you're into that sorta thing. Vegie Bar restaurant rocks for cheapish, absolutely brilliant...