Oh Damn. I absolutely love the horror genre, don't make me choose haha!
I recommend Stephen King. Ha ha let me narrow it down a tad, try The Shining and Salem's Lot if you haven't already. :)
Bram Stoker's rolling 'round in his grave.
I'm not liking the fact that some people can't accept that others don't like Twilight, and view criticism of it as a personal attack.
There's sooo any mangas i could recommend! haha
You can usually order them from bookstores if you don't have a comic shop. Borders has a manga section :) My fave music store sells manga as well
There was a whole lot of nothing for you :)
What are your fave genres? Because there are so...
I haven't posted a thread yet, so i can't sympathise but, there, there... it'll get a reply sooner or later :)
I don't want to study for my maths exam....:(
In 40 minutes you should write as much as you can, producing a master work of fiction :P
Hey, don't diss a person for putting their opinion out there, it's just plain rude. Having an extended vocabulary is a gift which should be used whenever possible, and people who do extension english...
Same, haha
I don't think we had any real restrictions, just not explicit stuff and such
I guess most people write about school, teenagers and angst because they can relate to it. My english teacher said to talk about a person and you aren't allowed to have an inanimate object as the subject...
Curse ye Chuc! Curse your a-m-a-z-i-n-g abilities
I'm doing a comic style BOW this year :)
Style of art? uhm... my own random looking style... i've always drawn cartoony style characters, this combined with my (obsessive) love for comics/mangas spawned my idea.
yeah 5+ frames, i might...
After seeing what my plans were for my BOW, my sister has already claimed dibs on a piece. She took a couple of prints from my Mini BOW that i did in year 11
I'm going to keep mine, after all the blood,sweat, tears and effort that's going to go into it i'm not going to destroy something that...
Huzzah for simplicity!
Daily shower/brushing of hair
Wash hair every other day
Body hair removal
eyebrow maintenance when required
Moisturise skin
Trim nails (i don't like them long and i play guitar)
On the rare occasion when i can be bothered i'll straighten my hair :P
I don't usually use...
It's a horrible thing to do to a person, way to damage someone's psyche
I've had it happen to me in primary and junior high, you can tell they're only doing it for kicks when they come over and ask you out while their friends are standing nearby stifling their laughter
Now i can't take...
You need more than 3 hours of sleep if you actually want to sound sane/coherent to other people the next day... heehee
I have to be up and almost ready to leave by 7:15 each morning ... gad damn early buses, my usual time for going to bed is around 11 - 1 even if i set a goal to go earlier...
Hahaha same! and then when i get to school i'm usually the crazy person rewriting her notes a billion times... One of my friends has just begun to realise that i relieve exam stress by annoying the crap out of random people...he made the mistake of sitting next to me while i was a stressed out...
Get a gel skin cover case for it to prevent more scratches. There's a site (Gelaskins) that sells cheap skins with artist designs on them that are pretty cheap and suit different models of laptops. If you really don't like the scratches, try buffing it or if you're really desperate order in a...
My Biology Half-Yearly is next week, all we need to Revise is Maintaining The Balance and most of Blueprint Of Life. I guess it differs on what school you're at. Why don't you ask your teacher...?
The Postmodern Frame is concerned with ideas that challenge mainstream (dominant) values of histories and ideas.
Words Often used to ask about the Post Modern Fame:
Ecclecticism, irony, parody and recontextualisation
Emerging technologies
Historical and modernist conventions...
With choosing your subjects, all i can say is that you should pick subjects that you enjoy, and ones that will help you in the future. Make sure you have at least one that you really enjoy and can relax and have fun with. Try and keep at least a couple of studies because you will go mad...