i think only you can know if you're equipped to handle it. chances are, you are more capable than the average teenager. perhaps you should obtain some hsc resources now and start learning the material on your own, see how you go.
given your age, i think you'd be eligible for a limited uai. you...
Hello. Will anyone else here be completing their HSC through Tafe this year?
I flunked out of Year 12 in '08 due to illness, so this year will be my desperate bid to get into my course of choice. I thought we could form a support group.
Where are you getting your information from? I thought that was only true for certain Tafes. If you're right, then I'm fucked.
No... self-tuition. I did some subjects through it this year; managed an English mark of 94.
nope. all the tafes are on the rankings list, just like every other school offering hsc studies in nsw. they're just not listed as 'tafe'. i believe this was the highest ranking tafe this year:
425 Govt Northern Sydney Institute - Bradfield College 695 23 3.31
yes, they generally perform...