Search results

  1. v.tex

    IS a bachelor of mechatronic engineering a good degree??

    Considering this degree as it really interests me and I feel the skills you learn will be really useful especially with the rise of robots and AI. Learning how to build robots while also learning coding would be pretty cool. Anyway, anyone studying this degree please reach out and comment your...
  2. v.tex

    Notes or Flashcards??

    So in yr 11 I wrote a ton of notes with relevant syllabus dot points for each piece material. However, I have been seeing a bunch of videos that have beens saying that notes are a waste of time and flashcards are way better. I have been trying flashcards a bit and I think I am doing alr with...
  3. v.tex

    How is everyone finding 4u? How much time is it taking out of everyone’s time?

    Just thought the is ask everyone how they are finding 4u because i’m honestly thinking of dropping at this point. I feel i find the subject too hard and takes up to much of my time when i could probably focus my time on other things. Idk though, it’s a good subject with cracked scaling but tbh i...
  4. v.tex

    So lost for this Q

    Is it just 15x10^9 divided by square root of 1-(0.96)^2 im so losttt
  5. v.tex

    Is the square method ever used for calculating the area under a graph in a calculus question?

    to do this method, would you have to draw the graph? I feel as if im missing something
  6. v.tex

    I feel like I may have screwed myself over a bit- more want some advice lol

    Yeah so basically at the end of Year 11 I was really conflicted on my subjects, especially with Earth and Environmental Science which I was doing well in because I thought it would be detrimental in terms of ATAR contribution due to its alleged horrid scaling. Thus, I decided to pick up 4u math...
  7. v.tex

    Should i quit my job ??

    So i’ve been working in a job for around 2 years now but lately I’ve been having to cancel many shifts because i haven’t really found the time to work while also studying and doing other stuff. Should i quit, my dad doesn’t really care but my mum reckons i should keep the job. I think it’s...
  8. v.tex

    How hard should task 1 proofs be??

    I really dob't know what to expect in my task 1 for proofs. Do you reckon they could give us any really hard ones, or more basic ones which catch people out who don't know some general steps for different proofs?
  9. v.tex

    how do you do these plz help

    plz send working
  10. v.tex

    Realistically if i do average in all my subjects, what ATAR am i guaranteed?

    I go to a school ranked bottom end of the top 170ish. I know I do high scaling subjects, but what ATAR will i be guaranteed if I do average in my subjects. Not saying I will do average, but I just need some back up to see what my low end of an ATAR could be if I get mid marks like 65-70s in...
  11. v.tex

    Why didn’t i get a doctor’s certificate 😭

    Bruh so basically on my math advanced test date i was fully vomiting in the morning and was in the complete wrong mindset for taking a test which lead to me getting a shit mark of 60% which looking back in should have been an easy 90% for me. Bruhh i should have got a doctors certificate to...
  12. v.tex

    What should I do??

    Right now I am running on 12 units. So basically I picked up 4u math mainly because of the shit scaling of Earth and I also find it a bit boring. I have 12 units at the moment because if I do rubish in 4u math then i can drop. The thing is I have just fucked up my advanced test so bad, so my...
  13. v.tex

    Gradient of a line Physics in exam

    So basically I had a test and a graph came up for Malus's Law where we had to use the gradient to get the answer. I used the point gradient formula with points from the graph and somehow got a value of 3500.. something but all my friends did not use the point gradient formula and just did the...
  14. v.tex

    Is trying for a really high Atar really even worth it?

    I was wanting an ATAR of 95+ and tbh i feel i fucked up my first physics exam and idek if its even worth doing all this study too just get a simple number that is worth nothing in a few years. People who got high ATARS, was it really worth it? Maybe I could just go for an 85-90+, idk though at...
  15. v.tex

    What marks do I need to get so i can band 6 4u

    My school rank is around the low end of the top 150-160 schools. Every year there is mostly 1 band 6 for extension 2 although I belive in 2020 and 2021 there was not.
  16. v.tex

    PLZ give me advice. Urgent

    Hey guys, So ive been pondering alot recently about my subject choices. Recently it has been on my mind that I feel I want to do science ext, but doing science ext means I would have 13 units which is way to much. I have picked up math ext 2, and tbh I don't know if im good enough.. Look, I...
  17. v.tex

    Should I do a UNILEARN chem bridging course.

    Hey guys im in the first term of yr 12 and am considering pursuing medicine, (Im not totally sure) but don't do chem for the HSC. I was looking at UNIS, and Melbournes course or MONash's courses look really good but they have a chem prerequisite. I emailed and they said if you do a unilearn...
  18. v.tex

    I’m feeling so stressed and anxious and i don’t know what to do

    Hey guys, recently going into yr 12 I’ve been feeling really anxious and stressed pretty much all the time which is really impacting my study and tbh i really don’t know how to deal with it. I just am constantly anxious. I think it could be the fact that my marks start counting and to be...
  19. v.tex

    can i refund Scienceex if i dont want to do science extension anymore?

    Hey guys science ex opens tomorrow and Im unsure whether i want to do science extension. If i register and then change my mind can i refund?
  20. v.tex

    what marks do i need to be getting in 4u math to mirror a math adv band 6

    What marks in 4u are the equivalent of a band 6 in math adv. Im scared i may be foregoing my band 6 in adv for a gamble.