Search results

  1. Lazarus

    Official Question 3 Thread - Change Response

    It'd be great to hear your thoughts on this crucial part of the exam! Were you happy with the text type? How did this question compare to ones from previous years? Was it a fair question for all three areas of change? Any criticisms or aspects you liked? How do you think you went? :)
  2. Lazarus

    Anime - Full Metal Alchemist

    Has anyone seen this series, and does anyone know where episodes could be found? A friend showed me the first two, and I really liked them - would be great if we could get the rest of the series.
  3. Lazarus

    Full marks

    In 2002, not a single student managed to obtain full marks in any of the following questions: PAPER 2 - Modules Section I Module A: Experience Through Language Question 1 Elective 2: Dialogue Section II Module B: Close Study of Text Question 2(a) Drama Katherine Thomson...
  4. Lazarus

    The HSC Advice Line Forum

    We'd encourage everyone to post any official answers in this forum, regardless of the question. Please include the name of the subject in the title of the thread! For example: "English Adv - King Lear readings" "Physics - Eddy currents" "Maths Ext 2 - harder 3U topics?" Make good use...
  5. Lazarus

    The perfect score: 100

    The following are the marks of some of the students who attained UAIs of 100 in 2002: Distinction Courses were counted as Extension courses. 7 Extension Units English Advanced 97 English Extension 1 49 English Extension 2 49 Mathematics Extension 1 99 Mathematics Extension 2 95...
  6. Lazarus

    Distribution of scaled marks... (via email)

    [This query was sent to me via email - I have posted it here for future reference.] Sorry to bother you again........but I forgot something...... I was reading about the "Distribution of Scaled Marks" on the UAC website. Just looking at the table, I noticed that in order to be placed in...
  7. Lazarus

    99th percentile?? (via email)

    [This query was sent to me via email - I have posted it here for future reference.] Hi. I just have a question concerning percentiles etc. If I were to be placed in the 97th percentile for all of my subjects, would that necessarily mean that I would gain a UAI of 97.00? Or could...
  8. Lazarus

    ASX Sharemarket Game

    THE TIME HAS COME TO REGISTER FOR THE ASX SHAREMARKET GAME SPONSORED BY VANGUARD INVESTMENTS! Registrations for the Game are now open for anyone over the age of 18 who is an Australian resident, to gain some hands-on experience in 'trading' and prepare for the 'real' world of share...
  9. Lazarus

    Law Information Night <center><h1>UNSW Faculty of Law&nbsp;</h1></center> <center><h2>Law School Parent and Student<br>Information Evening</h2> <b>Wednesday 27 August 2003 (6.00pm - 7:30pm) The Scientia, UNSW</b></center> The Law School is holding an...
  10. Lazarus

    LOTR Music

    A piece called 'Gothic Power' by Christopher Field was used in the first LOTR trailer... does anyone know where a high quality version of it can be obtained? Doesn't seem to be on Kazaa etc... (so you know what I'm talking about - low quality ver here)
  11. Lazarus

    Weren't university fees just de-regulated?

    I accidentally stumbled across this article whilst searching for something else... interesting read in light of the recent HECS reforms. <hr> Kemp grilled over education proposal PM - Thursday, October 14, 1999 6:10 COMPERE: But first, the Prime...
  12. Lazarus

    Schools seek university entrance data

    What are your thoughts? <hr> Schools seek university entrance data By Gerard Noonan, Education Editor June 13 2003 Private school principals want universities to supply them with their students' Universities Admissions...
  13. Lazarus


    Harder Probability. I came across this question and thought it was good - A dark cupboard contains a mixture of black and white socks in the proportion of 1 white sock to 2 black socks (i.e. 1/3 of the socks are white). You cannot see into the cupboard. You can reach into it and pull out one...
  14. Lazarus

    Prac Exercises: Pseudocode & Pascal

    A new resource (c/o Mr Biddle, Epping Boys) is now available HERE. It consists of a selection of prac exercises and includes complete solutions in both pseudocode and Pascal.
  15. Lazarus

    ASX Sharemarket Game The following info is taken directly from the website at the previous link. All about the ASX Sharemarket Game Increase your knowledge of the sharemarket in eight weeks. The recipe is simple: Take an imaginary $50,000 and invest in shares Add...
  16. Lazarus

    Your Essential Guide to Algorithms

    Methods of Algorithm Description This is an official BOS document from the old 3u Computing Studies course. It is an excellent resource for algorithms in SDD. Here is an excerpt describing what it includes - The preliminary section consists of a description of the programming process and...
  17. Lazarus

    Foundations of Law test

    Have any of you received your results back yet? I think we get ours tomorrow... :uhoh:
  18. Lazarus

    Creative Classroom

    Someone submitted this site a while ago, and I haven't yet had a chance to add it to our archives. I've viewed the lessons at and it does seem as though they'd be a great asset for students who are desiring to perform well in both exams and assessment tasks -...
  19. Lazarus

    The Animatrix

    Has anyone seen these? How incredible are they! I loved Program... and the others look great too. The full trailer (4:30) gives a spectacular overview of them all. I'm not normally a fan of cartoons, but I think this mixture of Japanese anime with the Matrix world has turned out to be a...
  20. Lazarus

    2002 Distinguished Achievers list (as an MS Excel file)

    It's sorted by school (although you could sort by student number, surname or subject etc if you so desired) and, being an Excel file, allows you to search for your friends and so on. Much more useful than the pithy pages on the Board's site, in my opinion. Download it here...