In Morse code, there are 2 signals - a dot and a dash. Show that there are enough arrangements by taking these signals, 1, 2, 3 or 4 at a time to represent all letters of the alphabet.
Can someone show me the way around this which doesn't involve writing down and counting?
As requested by Nosadness. Enjoy. :)
This covers probably most of the water section of Module 3. If anyone has anything to add, post it up.
Qualitative: determining the type of substance being measured. For example, detecting the presence of copper ions is a...
I think you're misunderstanding the purpose of this particular forum.
General Discussion on the HSC is meant for HSC-related, study-related topics.
Your last thread belonged to L&R. This one belongs to NS. Stop trying to look studious by posting in this forum. :p
PQRS is a cyclic quadrilateral and A is any point on PQ. A circle through the points P, A and R cuts RS produced at B.
Prove that BA || SQ
Graph attached.
This thread is for those assess and evaluate questions where you need two sides of an argument and a judgement.
So let's start arguing about something.
Ethanol does NOT have great potential as an alternative fuel.
I'll go for affirmative. :)
We have this lovely radioisotope: technetium-99m.
What exactly does the m mean? I've heard a rumour - that it means the radioisotope emits only gamma rays. However, my tutor quashed those beliefs by telling us that no radioisotope is capable of emitting only gamma rays.
Then again, he has...
A beaker initially contained 250.0 mL of 0.050 mol L-1 copper sulfate solution. After several hours, the dark blue colour of the solution had become lighter and a red-brown deposit had formed on the piece of zinc metal. The red-brown deposit was removed from the piece of zinc metal and dried. It...
Does anyone know what the textbook is called? We don't use it at school so I only remember vaguely what the cover looks like.
I think the 2U book is blue. it has vertically symmetrical, dark-and-light blue diagonal stripes, and the "2U Mathematics" thing is written in the top half, in the...
Is there any way I can get a screen-shot of a video I'm watching on Window's Media Player?
Usually I'd just press the "Print Screen" key and paste into paint, but when I screen-shot a video on WMP and paste, the image actually changes or goes to black after I save it.
If two circles touch each other, show that the line joining their centres passes through their point of contact.
How do you prove that? I thought it was just a rule we needed to know. I know how to explain it in a lot of words, but there's probably a shorter way.
Show that the angle formed by the bisectors of two adjacent angles of a quadrilateral is equal to half the sum of the remaining angles.
I'm not even sure what it looks like.
• Discuss, using a recent example, how progress in analytical chemistry and changes in technology can alter the outcome of a forensic investigation
Sorry for flooding the whole place with my questions, but here's another one. *sigh* :(