Search results

  1. Kujah

    Substrate concentration Practical - Hydrogen peroxide and Liver

    I've typed up a mock method of how to go about doing this. It involves adding different quantities of 5% hydrogen peroxide mixed with distilled water, and uses 1g of fresh liver for each test tube. The result is obtained by measuring the height of the bubbles of oxygen formed when liver and the...
  2. Kujah

    Concepts of Journeys

    I have an assessment task on how our composers show the concepts of our specific journey i.e. for mine, Inner. How should I structure my essay? Go by each text, and explain what techniques the composers use? Or base it on a conceptual style? Go with each concept of an inner journey (eg-...
  3. Kujah

    Induction Question

    In a room of 'n' people, they have to shake a hand with each other once. Prove by mathematical induction that the number of handshakes is 1/2 n(n-1) for n >= 2 Got to the first step. Got stuck on the second and third :o
  4. Kujah

    Complex Numbers Problem

    Question from the cambridge book. a)Obtain in the form a+ib the roots of the equation x^2+2x+3=0. Find the modulus and argument of each root. Represent these roots on an Argand diagram by the points A and B. b) Let H and K be the points representing the roots of x^2+2px+q=0, where p and q are...
  5. Kujah

    Extension History HSC Paper 2007 Q1

    Our teacher's given us Q1 of this year's paper to do. The question is: With close reference to the issues raised by Munslow (composer of the source), criticall evaulate the role of the historian in the construction of history. Support your argument with reference to at least TWO sources you...
  6. Kujah

    Complex Numbers

    Need some help: 1. By solving x^2 - 2(1+i)z + 8i= 0, show that (1+root3) +i(1-root3) and (1-root3)+i(1+root3) are the roots. I've tried using the quadratic formula again and again, but it's gotten me nowhere. :confused: 2. By expressing cos4Θ and sin4Θ in terms of powers of cosΘ and sinΘ...
  7. Kujah

    Leopold von Ranke

    "To make a true historian, I think that two qualities are needed, the first of which is a participation and joy in the particular in and for itself". I've had discussions with my teacher and friends, I've searched the Web and thought about this quote for a couple of days already. But I still...
  8. Kujah

    Geography topics Mind Map

    Nice-helps to summarise the main points of the Year 10 Geography course ^^
  9. Kujah

    Binomial Theorem

    I'm stuck on a few questions, and I require some assistance :) i. Obtain the term independent of x in (2-x+3x^2)(1-2/x)^9 ii. The expansion of (1+ax+bx^2)(1+x)^10 in ascending powers of x begins with the terms 1+x+x^2. Determine the values of a,b. iii. The first three terms in the expansion...
  10. Kujah

    Fellowship of the Ring

    Is the film a text of the syllabus? If so, as an Advanced student, am I allowed to do it?
  11. Kujah

    Writing in excess of lines

    Yeah, you won't get get mark down if you need extra lines. It's not a speech or a word-limited essay :)
  12. Kujah

    I'm doing a few SC past papers, how do I mark the response questions

    Get your teachers or friends.
  13. Kujah


    Enzymes are biological catalysts. Some textbooks say that catalysts only speed up reactions, whereas other state that they can either speed up or slow down reactions. So, what's more correct? :)
  14. Kujah

    Class of '08 Roll Call

    Who else is doing Extension 2 Mathematics?
  15. Kujah

    Extension History '08

    So anyone for the 2008 HSC doing History Extension? ;) What case study are you doing? Have you got any ideas for your major work yet?
  16. Kujah

    Alkanes and Alkenes

    Okay, we've started this topic and one of the first facts that we've learnt is that alkenes are more reactive than alkanes, and it's got to do with the double bond. Can someone explain how the double bond would make it more reactive, and what does it mean if the textbook states that the double...
  17. Kujah

    Good Luck '07!

    Well, the HSC exams officially start tomorrow, Thursday 18th. But most of you will probabaly have your first exam (English Paper 1 :) ) on Friday. So guys, good luck :) :santa:
  18. Kujah

    General Discussion on the 2008 HSC

    We've been kicked off this forum, but we have a new one now :) General Discussion on the 2008 HSC
  19. Kujah

    How was your school day?

    Continuing the thread that was made in the Preliminary forum (that was unfortunately locked :mad1:) , but it's now for the days of our HSC :) So was how your school day? Assembly: Welcome '08 to Year 12/HSC. English: Started with our set text, My Place, and talked about Paper 1 of the AoS...
  20. Kujah

    How are 08's finding their Preliminary Year?

    Dating back from an old thread, how are you finding the preliminary year this year? How would you rate it?Love it? Hate it? Enjoyed it so far? How does it compare to year 10? What do you think about starting the HSC year in five weeks time?