I was looking at and came across this article (from Fri) and it surprised me that not all unis will be determining entrance by using HSC/equivalent marks because they see this...
I hgihly recommend you all go to the open days that the unis are hosting.
Institution Open Days 2007
UWS (Parramatta) Open Day- 18 August 2007
UTS INFO Day- 25 August 2007
USYD Courses and Careers Day-...
Alas! The last term! You can see the light at the end of the tunnel!
We shall start off with the very generic "have fun!". Apart from burying your heads in books, go out there and enjoy yourself frienship-wise and socially, academically (??), take up oppurtunities, explore your career options...
I was reading from the news sites and I came across an article which said:
"THE Prime Minister has said today that the need to secure oil supplies and to help protect US interests in the Middle East are major factors in Australia's continuing military presence in Iraq."...
If memory serves me correctly then you have about a month or so until the trials begin, right? I know that this is the last school holiday before graduation. You have all the time in the world these school holidays (I hope) so don't blow too much of it away. Do study, catchup, revise and...
Uni plan to stem language "crisis"
Sounds good. I thought that languages were compulsory for year 7 and 8 students. I guess that they don't see it as 'good enough'. I can understand why such a plan was devised in the first place.,23599,21743681-1702,00.html
"RIGHT-wing Australian Nationalist Movement (ANM) chief Jack van Tongeren wanted to take over Australia, expel foreigners and set up his capital in Alice Springs, a Perth court heard today."
Blair brings down curtain on decade in power
Obviously when he was starting, there was the death of Princess Diana and the handover of Hong Kong. How big was the difference he made to Britain over the past 10 years?
We've now reached the time of the year.
The budget will be presented tomorrow night (ABC, 7:30pm and 9, 10:30pm).
There has been a lot of talk going on recently.
Family-friendly Budget coming
Up, up and away as Treasurer fills voters' pockets
Looks like a $15 billion surplus.
SECURITY staff at one of Sydney's most popular pubs were ordered to refuse entry to patrons of particular ethnic backgrounds in a racist exclusion policy designed to cut crime.,22058,21661672-5001021,00.html
Toohey's Extra Dry
Toohey's "Give that man a new"
Toohey's New Beer
Where are all the exciting beer ads?
Excited about starting uni in a week or two? I mean going to tutorials and lectures and stuff and joing clubs, meeting new people and no longer wearing school-uniforms.
Yes, I've been out of school for a while now and I'm starting to feel like an alien now.
I'm VERY excited about starting uni.
For those with cars, these are some suggestions for YOU!
-Kids in the back seat cause accidents; accidents in the back seat cause kids.
-CAUTION: I drive like you do !
-I need someone really bad... Are you really bad ?
-I used to have a handle on life, but it broke...