I don't even know if there is another thread on this topic so I do apoligise if there is. I just want a list of the best and worst of teacher quotes and habits.
I'll start.
*Science/biology lesson.
Student: If you remove 'an eye' from an organism, do you get an orgasm?
So why did you choose to come to the University of Sydney?
Come on, there's a better reason why than just "because it's the best".
Here are my reasons.
-1/4 of my high school mates come here.
-Close to home and relatively easy to get to.
-Highest ranked uni. we've got according to the Times...
This news may be a bit old but over the past few days, Channel Ten has been the centre of controversy because of their ways of running the coverage of the fireworks display.
What are your thoughts? Did they go too far...
I just want to know what sort of crazy endings people will give when they finish this sentence.
I'll start. The HSC is unfair because.....
-the guy who has the funniest or most intriguing creative writing piece in AOS, doesn't always get 15/15.
Hi all.
I'm just wondering if any of you had BBQs or Morning Teas to go to on Wednesday, like we did so that teachers can find out our UAIs.
By the way, if there was, how did your teachers react to your results?
So, what did you think of us?
I'm sure nearly all of you read the newspaper or have heard the news about your school or mates or looked at the Board of Studies website, so it must've been the talk of the day.
How did your school perform? Has it motvated you or gotten you somewhere...
Hey. First of all, congratulations all on finishing the HSC.
I'm just wondering if anybody knows which schools made the top 10 and what the rank is for my school is. If I find one, I'll post it here if you want.
Have any of you seen really good Christmas-decorated houses around?
I'm aware that there's Town Hall and several Myer and David Jones stores but what about in Suburbia?
I have quite some time on me and I'm a fan of Christmas decorations. I'm sure that all of you will be seeing some but...
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen.
..So how's things?
I'll give you 5 ways to do well in an Economics exam. This is according to me so I'm not sure if that'll work for you.
1.Economic data.
As you progress throughout the year, it'll be more and more important to stay up to date with...
Good Evening everyone.
I want some suggestions on Christmas prezzies.
I reckon that flowers and chocolates for Christas is just too old.
Any good ideas?
What do you think of a tea set and a darts board? What else?
First of all, congratulations on surviving Year 10 and making it through. I hope it wasn't that hard.
So, what do you think your best subject is?
Rank them in order from 1 to 5.
1 ***
2 ***
3 ***
4 ***
5 ***
I know this isn't important but I'm just curious. That's all.
Do they start as soon as English Paper 1 finishes or when every exam is done?
...I'm also curious to know how the marking procedure goes?