O.k I don't really get this HSC scaling thing so can i ask a few questions???Thanks.
O.k lets say for example I get 10% in all my subjects and I come first.
And everyone else gets 5%.
Then the HSC comes and I get 100% while everyone get 80%-90%.
Do I Get 100% for my HSC or 90's,80's or...
You guys reckon love and romance would be a good topic for creative or is it cliche?
Thanks in Advance~
Edit: So if I can write it well I should do it? But if I cant what other topic are out there that aren't cliche (thanks for all the advice so far).
So far I have conquering chemistry, contexts and jacaranda the dilemma is that don't they all teach the same thing???? So should i just read through one and leave the other two or use the other two as well????
I personally have seen 'best textbooks' for other subjects on B.O.S so I wanted to make a best Guides or 'Textbooks' for English. Fell free to post your opinions, I'll update this thread regularly, I personally find top notes to be quite good any other suggestions?
I've recently browsing online trying to buy some books and Cambridge checkpoints is pretty cheap but the problem is that it sounds like a summary book. I personally haven't checked it out but have any of you guys? What the hell is it and is it any good? 0.0
Whenever i click on a resource thingy it just says im not looged in (but i am) and then when i click login it redirects me to the forums is it just me??? ahhhhhhhhhhhhh helpppppppppppppppp.......................please
Hey Guys,
I'm really hating this subject now, over the past 2 exam i got and average of 24% and its really annoying the teacher only teaches the basic's of the course and in the exam she gives us like really hard ext1 questions which are nowhere like the question in the text book so there no...
Hey Guys I really hate the short response questions in the exams, and i cant really study for it so i was just wondering for anyone whose doing good in this section could they pleases post some help for me or others to follow. Kind Regards.
Hey Guys I'm really struggling in school with attaining a 90+ so can anyone post any tips which can help me and others? Anything would do study tips, advice in general ANYTHING PLEASES!!!!! Thanks for your time!!! Btw subjects are chemistry,physics, economics, maths ext 1 and adv English
Hi everyone,
Recently i got my results back for my half-yearly's (year 11)and i gotta say i really need help with my comprehension questions i always get 8/15 for them and they always drag down my overall mark by heaps and also how do i write a good essay in like 30mins + i always have trouble...