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  1. R

    Question 7

    Increase in aggregate demand = growth. Stimulated hidden unemployment to come out.
  2. R

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    Well quite obviously general consensus is not nearly always right. Whats more, its hardly a general consensus here.
  3. R

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    Proven by who? Who knows the 100% right answer and told us? Proven by you?
  4. R

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    I'm was pointing out whats right and whats wrong and discuss. Unless someone proves me wrong, its not as if what I said was invalid. You calling me an arrogant wanker just shows that you've ran out of logical things to say. So thanks.
  5. R

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    This forum is for discussion. Its not as if we are trolling.
  6. R

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    Same reason as you posting.
  7. R

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    7 = A. But lets not talk about this. Wait for the official answer.
  8. R

    Section I: Multiple Choice

    I'm saying firms may choose to borrow or not. So it may or may not lead to worse external stability. To finance a deficit, the only choices in the questions were 1)Selling bonds to foreigners, 2) Borrowing from domestic private sector. 2) is obviously the choice.
  9. R

    Question 7

    Just dw about it really. Nothing much we can do now even if we are right/wrong.
  10. R

    Question 7

    Lol dw. It just means that you've got an extra mark over the overwhelming amount of other people. Its a good thing. ;)
  11. R

    Question 7

    ... Good job on the font. Wouldn't have time and cbb to approach my teacher.
  12. R

    Question 7

    Did you add the second line yourself? We should just stop talking about this. Just wait for the answers and C-guys will know that they're wrong. :hammer:
  13. R

    Question 7

    Unemployment will not decrease because say hospitals will not employ blacksmiths when they want doctors. Every person fit for a job already has one.
  14. R

    Question 7

    Lol. Lets all stop it now. (until I am proven right.) Will this sub-forum still be open in Jan? Cuz 07 threads are closed, not sure when did that happen.
  15. R

    Section I: Multiple Choice

  16. R

    Question 7

    No idea. I want to know too.
  17. R

    Question 7

    Yea just stop discussing and lets all be back when they release answers. (so I can laugh at y'all lol especially the Usyd econ major guy) :p
  18. R

    Question 7

    Philips curve also said there can't be low unemployment and low inflation. Look at Australia in recent years, obviously not a set rule. But a more concrete rule is the NAIRU cannot be decreased through growth.
  19. R

    Question 7

    Think back to the NAIRU we've learnt. The golden rule was that there is not cyclical unemployment and cannot be reduced through growth. As if the BOS will give us a question saying that unemployment can be reduced. What brought Philips Curve or short/long term curves or rates into this, those...
  20. R

    Question 7

    I was NOT referring to underemployment. I was referring to HIDDEN unemployment. For everyone else, read up on Causes of Unemployment, Rising participation rate. Unemployment will INITIALLY rise because discouraged job seekers enter the workforce but this is very initially because they would get...