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  1. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Lolwut? Romans: 1:26-27 - For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with...
  2. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Fixed. :cool:
  3. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    In the case of taxation law and some areas of family law I would conceed that some changes are in order (however certinly not in the cases of adoption or marriage). And they can visit their loved ones in hospital, its other more obscure issues, like turning off life support and things like...
  4. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Yea, becuase there is nothing that defines a person more than their sexual desires, and so telling anyone that some things are simply immoral is like totally denying them the ability to express their true self. Lol @ parents, they'd prob freak out if they even knew I had a Bible in my bedroom.
  5. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    What "rights" exactly of yours are those being violated?
  6. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Oh you are funny. How can anyone enjoy a life without sex, oh the agony! It just doesn't bear thinking about. How can one love another without having sex with them, its like totally not possible... Riiight... It is hardly inhumane. I am not forcing anyone to do anything. Faith is a...
  7. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    If somone chooses to be homosexual, I wouldn't prevent them from doing so. If someone chooses to have sex outside of marriage, I wouldn't prevent them from doing so. I believe both of them are wrong, and so I personally won't be indulging in either (and advocate others to do likewise)...
  8. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    God is spelt with a capital G, this is starting to frustrate me. God did not create evil, He created man, man created evil through being tempted into sin; the transgression of God's moral laws and/or the rebellion against God.
  9. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I feel like I am talking to a wall. The desire to have sex with someone on the same gender as you, is not entirely the individuals choice. (In this regard homosexuality is not a choice). Consumating whatever desires you may have (be they homosexual or heterosexual or something else...
  10. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I wouldn't say someones height is their lifestyle choice, however apsects of their physical appearence/presentation ofc couse be a result of their lifestyle choices. EDIT: for example, if you ate nothing but junk food (lifestyle choice) then you might become fat and unhealthy (physical...
  11. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Where do you get this from? What is personal responsbility a foreign concept to everyone on this board?
  12. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Having sex is always a choice (ignroing rape ofc). The fact that you are consenting to having sex means that you are choosing to have it. Your desires and w/e are not always your choice, but it is your choice if you surrender yourself to them or if you resist those you know to be wrong. I...
  13. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    No, becuase unless you are raped (in which case you are not personally responsible at all) you choose who you have sex with (be your chosen partner male or female). While the lust towards a certain gender or another may (I will admit, to an extent) be outside of the individuals control, they...
  14. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I would be willing to conceed that it is.
  15. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I don't ever recall asserting the existence of a universal gay lifestyle lead by all people who experience homosexual lust. Homosexuality would represent one aspect of their various lifestyle choices, which collectively could be referred to as their lifestyle. As chosing to smoke or chosing...
  16. N

    Atheism - Discussion thread

    Um... because I havn't gotten around to reading all of it. I have read the majority of it. And I never said that believers didn't have to read it and that non-believers did. Stop twisting my posts lol. Reading the Bible isn't a requirement of faith, but thats doesn't mean you shouldn't...
  17. N

    Atheism - Discussion thread

    Lol, I wouldn't call it obedience. Accepting God is always a choice, nobody is forced into believing. I havn't even read everything in the Bible yet :P Furthermore, I am incapable of following it to the dot as it were (even if I committed every waking breath to doing so), being only...
  18. N

    Atheism - Discussion thread

    Lol and it doesn't? Don't you think I might be having more fun, getting stoned out of my head and screwing myself senseless (like quite a lot of people our age are doing) than I might have reading the Bible at home? Lol, I'm only human ;) In almost all cases, temptation is more appealing...
  19. N

    Atheism - Discussion thread

    Because I love Him <3 :rolleyes: I have enough faith in Him to know what is best for me and to ensure that no harm will fall upon me or others as a result of fufilling His will on Earth. Your turn :)