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  1. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I have been alive for 16 years, so you could say I am somewhat unexperienced in long-term loving relationships with other people. Am I to assume however that you are highly knowledgeable in the field of human interactions? How old are you? How long have you been in a relationship with...
  2. N


    Would you feel ready to commit to a life-long and loving commitment with someone else, at the age of 16? I know 16 is old enough to make some informed decisions, but who you marry is important. "Till death do us part", its a relationship to last, you shouldn't enter it at all untill you're...
  3. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    You confuse pleasure and happiness. Sex is not a requirement for human relationships. Sex shouldn't even be a requirement for a loving relationship between a married heterosexual couple. Sex is a gift to people to create life, within the context of marriage. Having sex for your own...
  4. N

    Does God exist?

    Thats not what I said. Even if God hears your prayer, it doesn't mean He will act on them immediately. In the meantime, all you can do is have faith. Sorry, but He is not a genie in a bottle, for your own amusement and convenience. As I said before, read the Book of Job, if you're...
  5. N

    Does God exist?

    The Bible was physically written down by many different contributers over a period of about 2000 years. Many of these people lived in different areas of the world and often their lifetimes didn't coincide. Most of them would have never been able to contact each other at all, even if they...
  6. N

    Does God exist?

    Well, you even admit to creating this idol, to please yourself. Even to justify yoursef, to justify your rejection of the one true God. Its all artifical. You don't actually worship the Spagetti Monster, however I do worship God. Unlike the Spagetthi Monster, I did not artificially create...
  7. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Not really, no. Depends on your definition of perfect. If perfection is never sinning, or never being tempted to sin, then you harldy need others arround you sinning for you to be perfect ;) I'm sure you'd be a great author, but unfortunately you are not God, you are not my Creator nor are...
  8. N

    Does God exist?

    Poor guy, I hope he's "recovered" from his depression. There's a guy like that in my grade, it's probably quite common sadly. Just because society accepts it does not mean its right, or healthy. It just means people believe it is, and its popular. The Bible is not a perfect work, as it was...
  9. N

    Does God exist?

    Faith is a gift. And how would you know, what I pray for, and let alone which of my prayers are answered? You merely make the assumption that simply because you cannot find faith in yourself, that He doesn't exist, and does not answer the prayers of His followers. This is in turn...
  10. N

    Does God exist?

    And I am to understand that you take this worship of said "Flying Spagetti Monster" seriously? Quench my curiosity, what exaclty is it that the worshipers of this idol believe in?
  11. N

    Does God exist?

    Exodus 20:3-5 3 Do not have any other gods before me. 4 You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I the...
  12. N

    Does God exist?

    I have already explained it is impossible to prove beyond reasonable certinty, the exitence of God, or prove that He doesn't exist. This, I also explained is to be expected, as He made mankind in His own image to have a loving relationship with etc. If were able to, through something as...
  13. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Read the Book of Job (in the Bible obviously), God has asked people to suffer worse than absitnence. Christ had to experience torture and a slow, painful death, He probably wasn't too keen on that either. Sexaul lust is not the only temptation God will test you will throughout your life, and...
  14. N

    Does God exist?

    You lack faith in God. Without the faith in Him, your assertions of love are meaningless and as such your prayers are also. Instead of praying for your own good, pray out of your love for God. Instead of asking "Lord please bless me and grant me the knowledge of this work so that I may ace...
  15. N

    Does God exist?

    Try it. Tonight. He is calling to you, all you must do is silence your doubts, and listen. Don't hold back, pour your heart out to Him. Everyone has doubted Him once, even the most pious of individuals are only human.
  16. N


    There is no set age. When you are married. Sex should be between you and your spouse, only. Its wrong for you to give in to your temptations simply to fufil your lust for pleasure in any other context. Take some control of your life, save your virginity for someone really special.
  17. N

    Debating things in circles on BOS

    At least you could say that we learn more about the opposing sides of the arguement (if it is one) or other peoples suggestions in discussions. It doesn't mean we have to be converted to their view, or agree with what they say (haha I won't go there guys :)) but the only way we can learn what...
  18. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Why so much hate? All He wants to do, is love you. He is offering to redeeme you of everything, every sinful action, every bad thought, and eternal life in Heaven. Christ is not your enemy because He tells you things you don't want to hear. At least consider, that what He tells you is for...
  19. N

    Homosexuality in Australia

    If you accept God as your creator, then who are you to question his judgement on what is right or wrong? He gave you the free will you are using now to question Him. If you believe it is in your interest to go against His word or to reject His love, you are allowed to. God will not...