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  1. Uncouth

    Exam Results are OUT (Wed 21/07)

    I'm having trouble getting back to my marks now, because I wanted to print them out. Guess I'll have to wait till later - too many people checking marks now.
  2. Uncouth


    Sorry to hear Frigid. :( I'm not believing that I actually passed! Oh my god. Mathematics mark = 50 (P).
  3. Uncouth


    The salt water crocodile!
  4. Uncouth

    malicious script

    Dmime stands for DirectMusic Interactive Music Engine. It's included in a few Windows versions and shouldn't be malicious BUT then again I've never heard of dmime.exe, nor do I have access to it...
  5. Uncouth

    Would Mcdonalds have a geocentric or polycentric staffing system?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought geocentric gets the best people for the job, while polycentric is with the host country personnel...
  6. Uncouth

    What does Polycentric mean?

    A polycentric staffing approach is where host country nationals are employed to manage the subsidiaries in that country. :)
  7. Uncouth

    Exam Results are OUT (Wed 21/07)

    Go to sleep early. That's what I did the day before the UAIs were released. :D
  8. Uncouth

    can i please ask anyone to answer this qucik question for my pip

    Yes for the male team, and no for the female team (I didn't even know we had one, actually). :o
  9. Uncouth


    Don't worry... get a room, you two. ;)
  10. Uncouth


    Your peng yum is definately hard to read, much harder than pin yin! :p But I can still somehow understand (food, food, food). ;) Lei dei sek tai dor yeh lar! Heh...
  11. Uncouth


    Why are people talking about food? All day long, that is. :p
  12. Uncouth

    Wag the dog

    I've used it for representation and text, out of my own choosing. I don't think it was prescribed (last year). Regardless, it's a great text.
  13. Uncouth


    Geez, will Jay's new album really be that good? Normally I don't buy Mandarin CDs, but now I'm interested because of the hype. :p
  14. Uncouth


    I fall asleep during yeh siu. Food doesn't keep me awake. :rolleyes:
  15. Uncouth

    Online storage databases.

    You could try Yahoo! Briefcase (30 megs) at
  16. Uncouth


    ..., I wanted to go to Hong Kong to buy that phone as well, for the Chinese capability not available in the E700. Whereabouts did you buy it from? :D
  17. Uncouth


    I disliked that question alot last year. This website might help:
  18. Uncouth

    Projectile Motion Question

    I posted a message saying that I got the wrong answer and I then figured out I left something out, silly me. :p First of all, work out time to get to the top, v = 0. v = u + at 0 = 29.4 + 9.8 * t t = 3 s Now find the distance between the top of the throw and the bottom of the cliff...
  19. Uncouth


    That's fantastic... repeating a subject that you failed (and most likely hate). And by fantastic, I mean depressing.
  20. Uncouth


    I'm suddenly worrying about my results now (thanks), which come out on the 21st. Uh oh. :(