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  1. B

    List of English Techniques

    Hey ppl, The list which was provided by kimmeh is very useful and can provide great assistance when analysing a text but it does not include all of the techniques that you could use to sophisiticate your writing! I can't really say much because I can't write for shit but I did find the...
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    List of Techniques

    Hey ppl, The list which was provided by kimmeh is very useful and can provide great assistance when analysing a text but it does not include all of the techniques that you could use to sophisiticate your writing! I can't really say much because I can't write for shit but I did find the...
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    Visual Texts!!

    If you have ever heard of the film 12 Monkeys with Bruce Willis than the cover of the DVD would be an excellent visual text for imaginative journeys in my opinion
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    Supp Texts - Imaginative

    I'm not sure if anyone has already mentioned this but the film, '12 Monkey's' with Bruce Willis may be a good supp text for the imaginative journey. Even if you don't want to do the movie itself then the cover of the dvd is a really good visual text
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    Sydney Uni lectures

    Hey Piggy Bank, I was wondering if you please forward those notes to me as well please? I am so stuck for English!! If you do Business or Legal I would be quite happy to send you some of my resource material as I am placing first in both of these subjects!!
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    Techniques used in supp texts

    Hey ppl, I was looking through some of the resources and other threads about imaginative journeys and I discovered that there aren't many references made to techniques that are used in supp texts. For one of my supp texts I am going to do The Matrix but I am having some trouble finding...
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    Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - The Beatles

    The only question that i have on this topic is, how much are we expected to write on our supplementary texts in the AOS response? I'm doing LSD and i am a little worried that i won't be able to find enough techniques for a decent response!! I am going to talk to my teacher about LSD tomorrow...
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    Checklist for AOS Response

    Here are some points that you could possibly consider before writing your Area of Study response: Do you have a clear definition of the idea of your journey focus area (eg. imaginative)? Have you explained what type of journey has occured in your prescribed text (emotional/historical/societal)...
  9. B

    Re: Practice Physics Exam

    As Mountain Dew stated, it is a deceptively easy question. The key is basically in the wording of the question. If u need any more help than don't be afraid to ask. I would be quite willing to answer any questions that you may have.