The one that cost $25, however you can simply as someone already mentioned, make your flashcards on computer and then use the Safari version of Anki called Ankiweb.
This. Space repetition and active recall is scientifically proven to be the best way to study. Use Anki. Though I'm not sure if its effective to implement when it's so close to the HSC.
Well I got none besides any questions that ask you to optimise a can, just use the surface area or volume of a cylinder on your formula sheet to derive.
Basically, as oppose to using your fingers and wrist to write, you instead use the flashy part of your forearm on the edge of the table, keep your wrist and fingers still and just use the motion of your arm on the table to write.
Basically, as oppose to using your fingers and wrist to write, you instead use the flashy part of your forearm on the edge of the table, keep your wrist and fingers still and just use the motion of your arm on the table to write.
In the NESA website it says:
To be eligible for the award of the HSC a student must have satisfied the requirements in at least twelve preliminary level units, and at least ten HSC level units, with the additional requirements that:
at least two must be English units;
at least six units must...
payment in advance is payment is sent by the buyer before goods are sent
clean payment is payment is sent to, but not received by exporters before goods are transported.