Not sure if people like to share their results here, but here we go. I'll start up this thread.
Hopefully for those doing phys 1a/higher phys 1a will get a 1, which means you pass the final exam.
UNSW MathSoc presents...
MX2 Summer Seminar Series 2014
So you're taking Maths Extension 2.
Want to get a head start on topics?
Wonder what stuff you're going to learn in the next nine or so months?
Want to spend some of your summer holidays productively?
Open to all 2014 HSC Mathematics...
For those pokefans on BoS coming over to UNSW, please feel free to join the pokemon society. :)
Link is here:
We will be going around in different costumes (Charizard and Blastoise, plus others) to promote ourselves for O-week. (Y)
The new UNSW Arts Society (ARTSSOC) welcomes all students to join the society. We especially take a big welcome to those starting university in 2013 and have just received their offers.
If you are taking:
- Any Arts subject
- Arts related minor
- Arts major
Then please feel free to join the...
If you're considering coming to UNSW, first thing you have to do -> research their courses and ATAR cutoff.
2nd thing -> ask questions around here, feel free to ask me questions in particular (you can PM me, fb chat me or ask here, I personally like to kill spare time so go ahead and ask away)...
So whatcha think about these changes. Glad to see boost and moochi <3.
Woulda loved to see noggi though, but that's okay.
Apart from that I would really like to see more food stores like ajisen...