Hello fellow Macquarie students, I am a bit concerned with the amount of workload and difficulty for the Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws program at Macquarie University. I am starting this degree next week and would like to know some of your past or known experiences with this course.
Hello, I am selling my UNSW textbooks. All textbooks were purchased only 3 months ago and are still in new condition.
ECON1101 - MICROeconomics. New textbook and still in good condition. Price is $75.00 and is negotiable. (Retail price is around $120 so it's a huge saving!)
ARTS1810- Global...
Hello BOS,
I was wondering if MID Year (second semester entry) cut offs for universities were lower or roughly similar?? (I know it is difficult to tell, since cutoffs are based on demand-supply and change every year). But, could anyone please tell me from personal experience if you started...
as mentioned previously on this forum. I am considering an external transfer from the UNSW to Macquarie university (I want to do commerce/law at macquarie).
Does anyone know how many units I would need to complete in order to be considered for the external transfer (I am doing 36 units...
Hello, I'm currently studying (International studies- majoring in international business).
I currently have 36 free electives points in which I could choose to minor in something with these units.
What type of minor or subjects would be advisable or helpful for my career path in international...
Hello guys,
Does anyone know the process of unenrolling at any university (or specifically UNSW). I want to unenroll from my main round university (UNSW).
I have tried calling them however they have closed for today (5:00pm).
Thank you!
Hello guys, I am applying for B. International Studies at UNSW. I am short of the ATAR cut-off but with bonus points i may be able to achieve it.
Are the bonus points automatically added to my ATAR when i apply to the course via UAC?? I received 5 bonus points ( band 6 in Ancient history and...
Please no trolling, only serious answers.
My friend didn't get a very good ATAR today and is unable to get into any university (even uws and acu), he/she got around 50~.
Is there any alternatives she/he could take. Eg. Certificates/Diplomas/Courses??? with 50 ATAR??? The choices atm are UTS...
Estimate please, i'm pretty worried tomorrow but hope i can get another estimate before tomorrow.
School rank: 2008~2010 , ranks have gone from mid 100's to low 200's.
Economics : 1/16 , 90 internal, i think i got around high 80's for the hsc exam
Business : 5/16, 80 internal, i think i got...
Im thinking of going to UWS law for commerce/law (it's around 91 with 10 bonus points for a band 5/6 in a range of subjects).
Can anyone give me some pros and cons for it?
Hey guys!!
In 3 hours time it will be the last time probably touching maths for me O.o? Hopefully. It will be good or hell if BOS. CSSA trials 2011 was pretty easy looking back at it -.- but i failed hard since my lack of study and dedication for maths.
I've slighly improved after trials...
A. Sell?
B. Donate to school, friends or tutors?
C. BURN and destroy them.
D. Just leave it.
I think im going to donate mine to the school XD..
What about you guys?
Good luck to everyone sitting Business studies today.
I can't believe it has been already 1 year pretty quick..
I hope we all do well and the exam is smooth, not too difficult or challenging. Im pretty prepared :)
Sigh i feel pretty bad only slept two hours, stressed from exams ~.~ But i...
Hey guys.. my time is limited and i only have 6 days to study maths after english?
Do you think it would be okay? Considering i go full out (3-4 pastpapers a day).
Im just worried -.-...... But yeah i've been averaging 78-85/105... from HSC 1990's-2010.
Best was 90/105 (2010 paper)
Hey guys,
How do I convert an:
essay-> Feature article?? What features would I need to change around??
essay->Interview?? Same goes for this?? What would I need to add on?? (Of course dialogue, rhet. questions).. How do i convert my essay bodies for an interview??
Thank you!!!!