my subjects
english adv
if I were to get b6 in all except english adv (high b5) what atar range is that??
I know u need school rank marks band 6 rate whatever but hypothetically whats the atar range estimate (if possible?? dont attack me pls 😭)
Should I drop to standard eng or not? Ive seen people say on here to not to.
so I got 14/25 for my first assessment and got recommended to drop down and 20 other people as well. They called us up and told us how it could fck our atar up if we dont and all that and that u need to lock in as hard...
so i actually regret not getting a job earlier on but Ive decided to get one as soon as HSC ends
but is it worth it -> as in do people usually quit when uni starts because if so I dont see the point in just doing it for 3 months 😭😭
im just struggling with these type of questions that use right hand rule and stuff 😭 I dont know how to approach this
idk im guessing bec the arrows pointing upwards (current) u point ur thumbs upwards? but what direction is the field?? idkk maybew im compketely wqrong 😭
soo when it comes to this I struggle with it. like I dont know how to make sure that im concluding everything that is needed to make sure its b6 level. its kinda overwhelming and i dont know if im doing it right 😭
is there a specific approach to writing integrated body para? like first sentence...
hii all
im soo confused 😭😭
so I wrote a base crucible essay of course back last term for my first yr 12 english assessment task but before the exam I realised that I wouldnt have enough time to write a 3 body para essay and had to only do 2 cause we also had to answer some short answer thing...
hi guys
are there any free audiobook versions online for hagseed?? because unlike classic texts like the tempest, 1984 etc I can't find any for hagseed 😭😭
im not about to pay money to read ones on audible and stuff 😭
I messed up on one of my subjects 😭 (messed up as in not failed btw)
its worth 20 percent
can I still make a comeback on that subject? like pick up my ranks?
I need some reassurance coz im scared that its gonna affect my atar 😭😭😭
I heard people saying that first term of yr 12 dont really...
Just wanna ask for body paragraphs when adapting
Can I just mention the essay question at the beginning and end of the paragraph and keep the middle the same? 💀😭
isnt it hard to adapt paragraphs to different essay questions if u dont know your para or essay inside and out? so I dont get it when people say they memorise the 'night before' and stuff like that becuase you obviously wouldnt be experienced that well with it right?
the thing with adapting for...
Im confused 😭.
so I see people saying they have memorised these number of essays or a 2000 word essay and blah blah approaching the hsc but when do you actually make sure you have mastered adapting it to various different questions?
do you memorise the base essay first then adapt as many times...
Is it easy to climb up ranks? currently im 8th in the chem cohort and most of the other class failed (Can I still get a b6 coz I got like 80 percent :( not saying thats a bad mark but I want a b6 in chem so...)
The marks looks like this:
8th (me) ->39.5/50
7th: 41
6th: 41
5th: 42
saw somewhere its removed from the syllabus. is it important to know tho? tbh I cant be asked and some of the question types are annoying 😭 esp with circle geo
if im doing 4u do i really need to know the discrete probability topic from 2u all that E(x) x=X variance etc? its so painful and annoying (even tho we do 4u we still have to do 2u in case we end up dropping)
does probability even pop up in the 3u 4u hsc exams? I dont see it getting...
Hii there
Is anyone willing to mark my short responses and stuff like that for free. I need to get better and I want to but Im broke
soo.. anyone please?? 🥺 (yes im very desperate :<( )
Doquestions like these pop up often in 4u exams? Its easy but the amount of simplifying is annoying asf and if ur not careful with the simplifying you can easily fuck up the final answer so..
Hi can someone tell me an effective way to memorise the english advanced rubric
like do I just memorise the whole chunk (coz im gonna forget it) or do take into consideration the key points and all that
uhmm idk what im sayingg 😭 but i just feel like memorising the rubric wholely is just...
If any of you guys have gone here or have any insight or knowledge into how good and effective this is pls tell me
wanna know if this is worth it for english