hey everyone, i got early entry into an engineering degree in unsw but i do advanced math, do they care what band i get for math? like do i need a band 5 or smthn to get in or can i bomb it and get in (math doesent count for me)
hey everyone, hope youve all been having a good holidays, is anyone studying yet? ive done abit of multiple choice and plan to do english from friday onwards, besides that everyone knows you do 90% of the work when hsc starts, lmk your inputs
does anyone know what time portoflio entry for unsw drops tommorow? pre sure maq was 2pm and anu was 7:30, i got both but unsw is the biggest fish to fry
Hey everyone, just abit curious what uni is the least multicultural and doesent have a whole lot of international students, atar requirement is not a problem
Ive just been wondering this term, is there a minimum attendance i need to do the hsc? i have alot of partial absences for being late, and i just dont bother going to school alot of the time, people are saying i need 90% to be eligible for the hsc and my current attendance is 73.8% and declining