Search results

  1. fijifrotter

    What band do i need to qualify for assumed knowledge?

    hey everyone, i got early entry into an engineering degree in unsw but i do advanced math, do they care what band i get for math? like do i need a band 5 or smthn to get in or can i bomb it and get in (math doesent count for me)
  2. fijifrotter

    Is it a good time to start studying

    hey everyone, hope youve all been having a good holidays, is anyone studying yet? ive done abit of multiple choice and plan to do english from friday onwards, besides that everyone knows you do 90% of the work when hsc starts, lmk your inputs
  3. fijifrotter

    UNSW Open Day - BOS meetup

    hey everyone, i got early entry to unsw and im going tommorow, would be cool if we could have a meetup and go around together, lmk if ur interested
  4. fijifrotter

    unsw portfolio entry

    does anyone know what time portoflio entry for unsw drops tommorow? pre sure maq was 2pm and anu was 7:30, i got both but unsw is the biggest fish to fry
  5. fijifrotter

    Atar Goals

    What are your atar goals? current predicted atar, and the steps you are taking to get to your goal
  6. fijifrotter

    How to cope with hsc stress

    with the hsc coming soon how do you all cope witrh the stress?
  7. fijifrotter

    What is the least multicultural uni?

    Hey everyone, just abit curious what uni is the least multicultural and doesent have a whole lot of international students, atar requirement is not a problem
  8. fijifrotter

    Year 12 Attendance

    Ive just been wondering this term, is there a minimum attendance i need to do the hsc? i have alot of partial absences for being late, and i just dont bother going to school alot of the time, people are saying i need 90% to be eligible for the hsc and my current attendance is 73.8% and declining
  9. fijifrotter

    Major project (outsourcing lol)

    Is it fine if i just pay some guy to do my major project for me from a website (just some indian guy) like $300 to do everything for me
  10. fijifrotter

    BOS roleplay

    Saw a roleplay thread, and thought i could do better, respond and if anyone is interested, lmk (ERP)
  11. fijifrotter

    Private school or Public school?

    I currently go to a private school that charges pretty much the highest wages in sydney, what do you guys think about private vs public?