hey all,
I'm not sure if I posted this thread in the right section of the forum so if a mod can help me out and place it in the correct place, it'd be greatly appreciated. Now with that out of the way, let me get to the real bit of this thread.
I'm posting to ask if it's possible to pick up a...
pman, I take it that you have not smoked once in your pathetic whiny life?
I reckon the Australian government should ban self-centered whiny cunts like you from living and giving other people shits over things they CHOSE to do.
Drink a cup of concrete and harden the fuck up mate, don't like...
I agree with Iron on this one, much to my own suprise.
What will prevent someone from killing a person, take the organs and sell them on the market?
Although I'll go back for a more thorough read. Please call me out if something prevents organs robbery-homicide.
I don't condone animal cruelty or treatment of them in such manners. Don't you think it'll be a bit fucked up if the animal was treated like that? Anyone in their right mind and raised up in a loving family shouldn't do such horrific act either. I was raised like a lot of children out there...
What's the point of pampering something that wallows in its own filth who in the end provide us with that delicious bacon? There is no bloody point in giving farm animal rights. They're food for fuck's sake.
Human = having the human genome, bipedal, 2 arms, 2 legs, a large brain, has the basic...
and what? The fallout might come down here and soon enough your kids might have an extra arm or leg or some weird ass mutation.
Set aircraft carriers to wait outside or maybe inside the SK water, first strike hard and fast against the artilleries pointed at Seoul (those B2s should come in handy...
Why can't Kim Jong-il be assassinated? That little prick pisses me off with his weird looks.
The SK and NK should be left to their business, SK should stop being pussies and unite the Korean peninsula by force!
Learn to spell and learn to detect sarcasm? It's obvious enough.
im wannabe man, im always hanging out with my fully sick bros at george street maccas and galaxy world with my asians gangduh. You watch out cunt, ill fkn shank ya for talkin shit.
AHAHAHAHAAHAH, you're a loser if you can't...
ahahahah fail cunt. Have you heard of the term sarcasm? Or maybe you'll need to get a sense of humour.
GTFO faggot until you learn these. :haha:
Schroedinger is a jew? Thought he was one of those anti-jews?