Thanks for the help Biopia it really helped to clear up the confusion :S
Pwnage101: we are set to be issued our text books this week hence coming to the forumn to ask questions, i did however look on google but the information there seemed to be above what i needed and further confused me
OK basically here is the problem i am having trouble with the relativity equations.
i have almost no idea how to apply them and in some cases don't know what they mean. I have been looking around and have been unable to find anything any help would be appreciated maybe a step by step guide...
Many people have suggested this however it has been stated that it is "massively Mulitplayer" hence the name mmo rather than your average game which is all solo content.
This is false, as far as i have heard, each test is checked by 2 markers and if there is a discrepancy, which there no doubt will be due to the neatness, the test will then be taken to a group of head markers who will then read through the paper for the final verdict.
This is what our English...