I've had a hundred people tell me not to get weaves and yes, they aren't too good for your hair. BUT what I do is just get them for special occasions and then take them out straight away and then keep the hair so it stays in tact, then pay the hairdressers just to put them back in.
I realise that the solubility of gases increases with ocean depth due to increased pressure and decreased temperature, but what about at the light zone and in between?
I hope the extended response will be on Galvani, Volta etc that'll be easy as!
I'll die if they put something bout water quality or anything from acidic environment lol
If they did put anything from the acids module as an extended response what do you reckon it would be?
Thanks heaps for the quick reply! =)
That's what I thought, but I just read over a prac (the first one on shipwrecks) and it said that the steel corroded more than the iron. If iron contains more carbon than steel, why did the steel corrode quicker? It was in the Success One book.
Can someone quickly tell me the connection between the amount of carbon in a steel and the rate at which it corrodes.. I'm guessing it's
more carbon -> more cathodic sites -> corrodes quicker
Is that right??
Re: Is itr eally neccesary to memorise the precipitation reactions and the processes
I know all the precipitation tests but are there any equations I need to memorise?
This thread is hilarious lol I literally laughed out loud when someone said something about the bogans congregating.. like they were some kind of organisation ahahahaha
but yeah I agree with what most people are saying.. Liverpool has some shockers too lol
Ok wait I do get what you're saying.. so it's sorta assumed that all of the CO2 released during fermentation and combustion of ethanol is going to be absorbed during photosynthesis
Yeah theoretically it's right but it actually doesn't take into account the carbon dioxide that is used in photosynthesis to produce the glucose
6CO2 + 6H2O -> C6H12O6 + 6O2
so there is actually more carbon dioxide used than is produced
I was just wondering, other than that it is renewable and undergoes complete combustion, what is another advantage of using ethanol as a fuel? I was going to use 'carbon neutral' but I've just been told that it's incorrect.
Any help would be much appreciated =) Thanks